Page 136 - 1981 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 136

 Rookie Adams" Performance Lone Bright Spot For Harriers
The Varsity Cross-Country team finished this year with a disappoint­ ing 3-12 record. The bright spot of the season was the runners’ 26-31 victory over Neumann Prep. Coach Ralph Mouio said that one of the team’s new members was its most valuable runner this year. That was Andy Adams who also placed ninth in the State meet. Rob Palfi, Jeff Stern, and Eric Eckert were also assets to the team. These four will be returning next year so Coach Muoio has hopes for next season.
1. VARSITY CROSS COUNTRY TEAM, FIRST ROW, LEFT TO RIGHT: R. Palfi, J. Stern, P. Fleck, A. Adams. SECOND ROW: Mr. Muoio, B. Leonowicz, T. Moore, S. Dunn, E. Eckert. 2. Coach Muoio instructs the team before a meet. 3. Panters Tarrence Moore and Jeff Stern work out during practice.
38 41 42 30 46 25 47 45 48 42 24 36 44 37 26
Dwight-Englewood 20 H.G. Hoffman 18 Pingry 17 Pennington 27 North Brunswick 15 Saint Peters 32 Peddie 15
Saint Thomas 15 Middlesex 15 Newark Academy 16 Dunellcn 33 Morristown-Beard 21 Princeton Day 19 South River 22 Neumann Prep 31

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