Page 24 - 1922 Hartridge
P. 24

 Fourth, A most necessary and essential duty which some of the more privileged Juniors have exercised with us during this year: that of holding impromptu Virgil classes between the first and second assembly hells;
F i f t h , Serena Murphy leaves her efficient and business-like manner to Nell Dickinson and Martha Stokes, and her imposing hearing to Mary Eliza­ beth Goddard and Elizabeth Embry.
S i x t h , Peggy Robertson leaves her musical talent to Charlotte Nichols and Annabel Lombard, in hopes that they may take her place as official pianist on indoor recess days.
S e v e n t h , Elizabeth Walbridge leaves her artistic ability to Catherine Ruddiman and Julia Iveedv.
E i g h t h , T o India Pickett, Rehekah T^ipscomh leaves her jierfect coiffure.
N i n t h , Judith Clayhrook leaves her knack of being frecpiently absent and her remarkable brilliancv to Jean Raymond.
T e n t h , Jean MacLeod leaves her energy and peppiness to Dorothy Miller, Laura Warfield and Erancesca Noves.
E l e v e n t h , T o Laura Butterfield and Marjorie Flarbison, Agnes Beebe, Kathryn Clark, Margaret Borland, Anne Gaillard and Eleanor Cooper leave
their discreet conduct and subdued voices, hoping that the two mentioned may follow in the footsteps of so large a part of the Senior Class.
T w e l f t h , Betty Fenner leaves her polished English to Katharyn Verlen- den and Sally Johnson.
Thirteenth, Martha Cluverius, Susan Searle and Kitty Acosta leave to Alice Hagan, Mary Churchill Jungbluth and Virginia Mounster, their
love for and proficiency in athletics.
Eourteenth, Jane Hull and Margaret Button leave their art of being
perfectly natural and their unlimited supply of witticisms to Marion Drake and Jeannette Strong.
F i f t e e n t h , IBester Meigs leaves her of responsibility to Harriet Johnson.
S i x t e e n t h , Hildegarde Halliday leaves her unconventionality and talent
in acting to Dorothy Blanche, and her facility for getting into troulde to Alice Knox.
L.vst, We leave to the Junior Class as a whole our privileges which are to be treasured and guarded from the encroachments of other classes.

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