Page 152 - 1988 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 152

First Row, left to right; J. Sharp, S. Lyons, S. Patel, A. Taylor, E. Ritz, M. DelVento. Second Row; Mrs. D. Piver, K. Swenson, L. Lim, C. Malalis, E. Scalera, L. Rogers. Third Row; T. Reynolds, M. Seitz, M. Kinney, ). Choe, E. Velasco. Fourth Row; R. Sinha, H. Snyder, L. Stout, K. Swenson, B. Sturcke, J. Shrager. Last Row; L. Miller, B. Callahan, A. Alves, G. Pate, P. Cohan, S. Blechinger.
This year Students Against Drunk Driving, S.A.D.D., made great strides towards alerting the student body to the dan­ gers of driving drunk, as well as the harmful effects of drug use, and the causes and effects of stress. President Amy Taylor made this year productive and exciting with her ag­ gressive style. S.A.D.D. raised money from "moctail" rec­ ipes, "moctail” sales, and poster sales. All of this fundraising helped make S.A.D.D. Awareness Day a success. On Febru­ ary 3 the entire school benefited from the hard work of S.A.D.D.

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