Page 24 - 1988 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 24

"Only three spots left for the winter ski trip . . . " "Peer leaders, remember your meeting on Monday . . . " "White water rafting beckons; make your reservations now." It seems not a day goes by that isn't marked by announcements for programs such as these, all organized by Dr. Leslie Rudnyanszky, a teacher and friend more commonly known as "Doc."
A man of many talents. Doc is not only a first-rate teacher but he is also involved in various extracurricular functions. A. P. coordinator. Chairman of Peer Leadership and Varsity Wres­ tling Coach are just several of the titles that represent his unique personality.
As a teacher he is demanding yet compassionate. His camaraderie extends to his col­ leagues on the faculty in gatherings academic and social. His school spirit is demonstrated in many ways on many occasions but the classic example was the day he bared his legs beneath a girl's field hockey kilt as the W-H community celebrated Halloween.
"Thank you" is not enough to express the gratitude we feel for the many unselfish hours that Doc has given to us, his other family, the Wardlaw-Hartridge community.

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