Page 68 - 1988 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 68

Key Club (10,11), S.A.D.D. (10,11,12), Development (10), Ski Club (11.12) , Health Careers (10,11), Swimming (9,10), Tennis Manager (12), Field Hockey (9), Lacrosse (9), Props (9,10,11,12), Make-up (11,12), Musical (9,10), Chorale (9,10,11,12), Concert Choir (9,10,11,12), Voice (10.11.12) , Band (9,10,11), Volleyball (12), Peer Leadership (12).
"Tell me where are we going." — Hojo
"I wanna be a paperback writer." — Beatles
"Dancin' w/ mv mirror." — Corey Hart
"I'm fed up w / empty promises." — HoJo
"Goodbye to you." — Scandal
"Back in the high life again." — Steve Winwood
"Isn't that special" — the Church Lady
"I've said it before and I'll say it again, life moves pretty fast and if you don't stop and look around once in awhile you may miss it." — Ferris Bueller
"Ain't it good to know you've got a friend, people can be so cold. They'll hurt and desert you, they'll take your soul if you let them. Oh, but don't you let them." — J.t.
'pon't you forget about me." — Simple Minds
"Love makes the world go round." — Madonna
"Walking down a country road." — J.t.
"Do you feel scared I do, but I won't stop and saunter." ■ Jojo "The secret o' life is enjoying the passing o' time" — j.t.
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Leslie Ann Leonowicz
AnnMarie Lewandowske
Softball (10), Field Hockey (11), Volleyball (11,12)
"Live each day to the fullest for who knows what will happen tomor­ row." -Anonymous
"Moments pass so quickly, but memories are forever." - Robert Cleveland
"Never say goodbye. Holding on we've got to try, holding on to
rr/-I l-i\//-V'' D I./-w>/■ never say goodbye." - Bonjovi
"Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies." - Aristotle

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