Page 87 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 87

bill.darren. chrisJon.LT. rob.jermey nell.mike.cralg. shawnjimmy (dude).tom.scan. lonnie.BIQ lou and alt you slobs who I <J>dn t mention, the golf course gazebo with Mr bud and company . and Mr Coors came sometimes thats out, u r sloppy, have another beer, that doesn,t make you a bad guy Ifyou go with a pig (J.E-A.M) to the best looking girls in the world—-LT, mom,
jane, kathyrn, kate kate. lisa, heidi, lara, Shelby, laura, hillary and any one who I forgot, l,m sorry Vermont Trip the best vacation ever, sking hangin out with J.M because we wernt good enough to hang out with Chris Meher hangin out on toll road and seeingjosh hit a tree, he didn t see it. kicken thirty five girls out but who cares weellll a beer stocked frig, with no food but that wasn,t the question. VCRMS gas station, crashin J.M sjeep 4 times STOWE the prom, who could forget, the best ever, had the best date, after the prom, the best ever also, but I m not saying anything L.T see, yaa, I love you Ml bebeebeyheebebee, bye click Mrs Callahan nice on the phone. Dee- hello Mr Callahan is bill there pool hoping The mustang, now you see it now you DOMT repo man thanx to JAMES CLARh MICMEL the shore, LBI, berr-bo-Q racing down the shore in 53 mins, neil and I to maryland in 2hrs and 10 mins ed Darrens hawlan, cocktail. Joshes b- day PARTIES Dont drive drunk by Jim michel its a bad habit Move you mom, jane, bucky and kate see you when I get home from college Dad, you should of stayed around because you dont know what you missed out on, but you'll never
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Andy Michel
Minna riahvi
ThisisitI SMILE Get a life What are ya high? MC Don't get cop an attitude Do you want to fight? Mow many seconds today? Cow Callahan Little Boy. Little Boy Party Animal Leeeee My Buddy RM Tennis Are we getting together this weekend? VO THREE POUMDS LL, MC Camping anyone?
CM Bimbo LS Our MUQE Parts
connection. 1owe you one VO, RM
for the LOVE sis Let's drive JR , Where s the shore golf Pizza Mut the You re Scmushing me the Echo Lake Park swim
around Westfield! Shoprite.
shack MO PRIDE 50/50 Prom'89 paranoid
Coughyou Boyfriend/Bestfriend Mubi Thanks for Everything
Vasiliki Odysseos
MB bro-in*law VVhere s my tape?
TR Mew found friend GM
We re BIG! dork whaTT the park
What's up? JB fake Girlfriend Late Might Rap Sections Pididdle
BC moon DO Day after Christmas
BOO! the Limo's LATE the swings Pillow BaM
English class MC Thanks for being a Great friend SMOB
Mo Skeletons Thanks for your support I LOVE YOU GUYS! BUY W-M!!
Shoe in puddle * Jelly Beans * Goofy * Max (ie) • I came to America 3 years ago, etc. * you don't match • the way she walks • Me s so obnoxious * I'm scared of dogs, get it away from me * Did you hear who called me 2nd week of school? * I'm allergic to cold weather • Mnnerd! fasolia ' Betty Boop!! • Your lights are on * Are you going on the ski trip? • The LOOR • Stop trying to fix me up with someone!! • Bon Jovi • Your music ball * Snake * Weak * Basketball * Yeah, Viki! * Over here * You have something in your hair • Hey Babe * Morning Blues • Serving squid • nice tan * She s a what? • Getting run over by a Mac truck * Don't say anything against Greeks * Jimmy • Wallpaper • Lions €< tigers, etc. * Walking through the woods * You like who? * The laugh * Dennis * Me follows me around everywhere • The plan * It Just curls like that * Is it Rirsten or Rristen? (RS) • just call me Viki • R, the movie, the call * Why doesn't she do something with that hair? • Rosanne Barr Show • Mo, I don t * Blue glass restling on nose • Oh no, 1need glasses!! * Me took 5 pictures of my eye, but I didn't mind, he was cute * Mo. don t take a picture of me * I hate you * Colored Chalk • Lisa s hugs * larcoss 89 * The dress ' The Guy! * Worst night of my entire life • Danced three times • Beach, dowdy, music, cold water * Walk on beach, enlightening * Stuffed animals * Relly & Lisa, thanks for cheering me up that day • The Overstuffed car • Miniature golf * Sea Shells • final Exams * Summer • Soaps * T.V. Movies * Great Adventure • It II soon peak out * Excuse me!? * The ferris wheel * Splash down * The large amount of water that went down my shorts * the talk on the front yard * Cherries * Lisa's B*Day • fireworks • Beach clouds* Spider-like crab * Is that good?!! * Yawp * Safety pins * Malibu * You're sick! * Mey, my ring!! * St. Thomas * Chinese * Yeah, you are!!! * So when are you getting your hair cut? * Sterglos, f riday Might, no tomorrow's Saturday! * Chocolate cake *3 o'clock In the morning * Sound of Music * Punch Buggy! * R.O.U.S • Sponge * Spoon friend * Jo-Jo, Rnight Ring, Queen Princess I, Princess II * Princeton Review * Todd * On window sill * Tom Clothes * Barefoot * finless brown * Bed-post * Yankees * "Like" * Come on guys * I'll make you do push ups! * Beach Bum * Profound * Great tan * Peter * Jughead * GreenAcres*Pacing*Hair*Onewordsofar*Quiet*Abnoxious*Molly'scaronfire*Christine'spanic*Todd'swearingshoes!*you reapreppy
You're proud of it * Read the newspaper guys * fingerpainting * Puking * The Dentist * Mancy * The phone problem * She's forgetful * Bob * Eileen * Russle * Scotty * Star Trek * The telescope-ring * Seagulls * Green eyed guy * Tango on the boardwalk * Rim's B-Day * The Rose * Summer Reading * The Wizzard * Bum! * Mice Butt * Green m&ms * Tutored!! * Bagles * half books * Garlic * Talking to Jack in the bath tub * Mew York * Standing amongst the clouds * cab driver, lost!!! * Ice cream * Riss me, like me * Down by the lake * the falling stars, the moon * yack-o. Yack * Our Group: Jack, Jon, Christine, Viki * It'll work out * Crunch Bag * Mattress on floor * Mey, get off (my bed) * What do you mean there's no hot water * Yeah, we had a fiat tire * Jaguar & Pomegranate * Mhokay * Leach . . Vampire * The Terrorist * Third try, you're wet Babe (dunked) * Mo biting please * Ratse ton golo sou gato * The brightest shooting star I've ever seen * Ritu, brownies, icing, cookies, anything sweet * Icki Viki (JC) * snatch * shave already * Waaa * buggers * dit dots * why are you red Shawn? * Can I tell you? * take that shirt off (Josh) * Chubby (RS) * The Wave (DW) * She has such energy (MW) * Phhht! (SB) * Mugga-Mugga * The Viki dance * Michelle's wearing purple again * So where you surprised, honn? * Good luck to all my friends, my peerees, and my brother. I'll miss you. Thank you mom and dad. Thanks to all my teachers and advisors. Paragalo, agapy mou. Thank you for being there Babe. Good Bye Wardlaw.
Stergios Papadakis
where to start where to start the beginning sounds good • you think I remember much? • don't put initials in dit-dits (except once or twice) • Hit a brick • whale • test!?!, what test?, now!, no problem ' Does anyone know what exam we have tomorrow? • Philadelphia goes to sleep at six • we don't • Open door policy, Liz • Maria, curfew was five hours ago' T,P. doesn't care • so you can't talk straight and you see stars that aren't there • It sa m ediator-get rid of the stuff, wash the cans" Mark slept through all of it, do you believe it?* It's all relative * I'll say it again "and again • 87- 89 who's the dope that schedules these things • all those geometry C.C. points • wet n' wild • Oh, that s what you thought I m eant' me and Andy, thermostats down to zero, a week of nice temperature • then they found the problem • SCrew • yes, I ordered an upperclassman • Monty Python films at Broadhead's • Blackout!! (almost) • knives • director-corrector • things can get frantic back here ' music over the P.A. system • lighters and WD-40 (or anything flammable) • "So? it smokes every time........Warning: This lighting board is likely to "•we heard we ll get a new one DEXT year • we left the Joker up • whaddya mean, more smoke? • we ll Just blow it into the audience, let them choke on it, too ‘ why does she keep changing her mind • learn to laugh, that sounds really fake • we want more * no rap back here • they won't let me skate to rehearsal • and the plays -just to get together • the nucleus of a fine show • smoke bomb during the concert • work in study hall, you gotta be kiddin ' Oops, I have Health today • Rog, you re always talking about drinking • grease • doodling • Spitballslll • gross • class of confusion • I don t thinkthiswentunnoticed• neartheendoflastsemester •okay,maybeitdid•MeandJosh,Idon(believeit'lotsoffun•Physicslabsvs. me and Josh: we win every time • singing • fifth period music critics ’ we paid attention when it mattered ■in pre-calc too ‘ Ace" maybe a bit too far • sorry • With a Little Help Prom My Friends • who got us started on these crosswords, Rog • "This is gross! Here, try some. • Tm confused • that was a move • BUTTCHEER • niceness • where do I come up with this stuff? • that was wrong • or something equally ridiculous ' good deal • sometimes I wonder about these people • that was rude • Mimrod • coldness! • what's the deal? • damn straight' you individual • that was weak • DUDE! • zipper you know, no one ever told me what that meant • You Know Who sportin a woody • down there with the nurse * If anyone putsQuarterPounderwithCheeseinhisdit-dits,I'llshoothim-Jazz*wereJustfoolin around•bass•listentothis•no.wedontJustJamall day• Ifyoucan'tgetituplikeaman "'Stayhere,forgetthebell,we'rejammin'l•doesanyoneremembersports?•JVsoccer•Allaaan•It was fun • ny • nice socks we bring our own sunshine! • "where there's a Will " • all these strange nicknames • Dobi • animal • on the ground • nice tire • slap slap slapslap • track • shut up Ross • someone will hit him someday • Ramos not at practice • away track meets • Mr. Ev s driving ' shortened Yugo • swimming • Josh the contortionist • all out, all the time • mooove • in the pool at 6:00 am. I must be crazy • away meets: the quest for radio reception • we conversed without saying anything, but we both understood, even though we understood different things • 6-50 ' Mr. Ague Just laughs • what is it with Wardlaw busing • We didn't swim, but we sang • they wouldn t let us off the bus • we were an hour late to the PL retreat • it's an adventure, anything can happen • PL retreat bugs • why doesn t anyone mention fun • maybe it was supposed to be serious? -Just kidding • Governor's School • I II never forget it • thanks for the advice, Ketan • raw burgers, Craig • not enough money • daily trips to A6fP • Doc s ski trips • why are the hotels so far from the slopes • running around Quebec in forty degrees below weather • why doesn't anyone recognize me? • I hate waiting for people on the slopes * I hate waiting on the slopes • Smuggler s notch up in the air • great! someone to ski with • figure eights with Jeff • I will not stop for lunch • closed trails • weekends last spring: Chris, Jack, Jen, Josh. Kim, Rog, Viki, me • driving • getting rides from people • Christine, saying she can t drive, doing forty-five in a twenty-five zone • Josh and Mr. Poleeecemann ' Jon. maniac • We ll go to Roger's house • The frisbee split in haifll! * Don t throw it onto the roof Rog ’ Don t kick it onto the roof Rog • A night at the Commons: fat lady on the bike • Six of us in the bug • Comfy, Jen? • It s cozy back here • running a red light: That s a policeman Roger keeps looking, we get pulled over -Just a light out • Rog, wake up • Tm going sailing • you know, I think I have the right attitude • Christine, you got a napkin? • Rog, wake up * SEMIOR YEAR: • great Job with the signs, guys ‘ JSA fall convention and the play are on the same night again • I m workin on it • are you clueless? • Jeff, its blowin out • Christine, are you really sure you want to be in my dit-dits? • I need faculty advisors • negative wind?' What me? A Rush freak? • what do you mean I need to get a committee? Committees can t get anything done ■Christine, did you do poopey on your test?' ? ' Rog, stop beating on people ' yes, I have a lot of homework • no study halls • no free time • Bud Babe Boob
Poop - The fly in my book? I left it there " License • Josh, you II do anything to lengthen your dit-dits. right -sailin with Jeff - wheels - two dogs
neerneer" This is the de Broglie equation " AgHO + toilet seats: Booby trap • RAGE of the Black Belt Dragon Hinja Death Masters - YOU Dummy! • to Boston with Rog: is this the way to the Ta^rpanzee Bridge? I dunno waitin at the toli what s this guy s problem? OhI hecant drive a stick he s not movin smells like burning rubber Ho, it s a burning clutch! -fast - lots of police • is this a record? " spud • skanked " sittin up in a doorway - Tuck it in, Mr. K ' What ifC A T really spelled dog '?• Rog, Jason, nice dance partner" Don in his room " What have you guys been doing to this guy?" My lunchtablel I ve been sitting here for five years * you know how many things get added at the last minute? - keep in touch, guys ' Who s on First" Rog, stop beating on people ' sittin up in the doorway • degrees Rankin • how about the Dobi 83 scale: Farenheit plus the length of " this scale is variable - why don t you shave, Rog * Pascal class: sure. I learned lots •
Good Luck next year! MOM
Malko MM

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