Page 88 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 88

 Jen Rowan
MM Slrcct skins to Tom s Sweets |wtKinq brake-wlidt it we hd<l asked the p o lic e d need some tHiipIc lipstick We re awesome Wind qiils hut do we get a who s who,’ noi the nuelcus speech W. massacre Cantaloupe Kim can you draw trcesi- War k wax?
STOI-M Okay. M a \ju s t don t yak in my car We re late for play practice! out for animals Cindy J How s the hair, Jen? Jen, where s your car? free pumpkins stunt iLlls Steve Miller and Jerry Crarcia concerts
J, ^hinh you have cnouql. ;!„us' ??^ Jen dunks the dramas
Muckrakers Your hoyfrier I ■
he was heru hing 2S0 I can t lielievc you got in an accident It s all your ault
Mow do we get ourselves into these tilings? Yes. Stacy you can laugh at me no .hinn io*do wkh the meaning of life? leadership retreat Moia, in ten years will this test really matter? Docs f.cology really have Jh^^m g to t " with the of hie. extrer^s
Molly, where should I begin? We rule!!! Asbury Park Kyan, why don t you wear
"^ouflage to s c h ^ sfen fn the water
mrn l;mp Jen and flollv's Take Om
,up * and the Coor's thina^ a chair? ^ Gordie do vou know how I was you know how
on the parkway scaciulls and pkicons Diner breadboard
Brandon Rusche
weird old men with dentures ha ha no money ha ha lauahmy for no watch out for pitbulls Jen and Molly's dnvinci school
ice cream cone holder suyat holder we need one of those South Street Seaport Mard Rock Cafe Charles the Bouncer
saucer M.Y.
to use Western Union?
Mr Mall my car is in a fence Pete, don I drive Pete, get out of the river neer boo! love always to MS. BT, l\M, 1.1, RL. JD. and everybody else you.
autoparts store
going on here?
black Reeboks
top riB-Jeep die again? IPiTCMSE B-the bounce wanna do boy I, wanna rock right now Raise the roof
loosing Mustang Good Bye W-M and friends
Rob Sawicki
DIE BIG, DIE YOUriG, DIAPiABOL!! Yeah boy! Dayvid, fix that piston Mow about those triples?? Pio trouble clearing the doubles!!! Johny
lets take your car what are you doing with the Jeep?
let's go to Studio 2000 moody leaving at 12:00 never getting caught
senior lounge rat ouija board
T and B going 80 mph down coop>er T-take off your targa Rob, go drive your fast car Dave-SUICIDE BIKES What you funner mouse going to court get ticket following Andy
Do you do steroids? Dr. Pete in the house! AMDYYY (§»# the mile in 2 seconds skiing every Saturday The Polo Club
! CLICK Didn't you have a mustang last week?
turning blue on the couch the Jeep from Mell
a ihinu^rhev're sleeoittg look 'lo " t M r t,' apple Die . .Y.', . . Y uoner-how rnanv airls’ V ' ’ i cxn tannh m ^ burning aTl ^er
Molly, go hack to sleep Arcyourea y
nurse Itolly Why didn t you tuck me in? The question now arises,just how M^Th °fan^< » A ^ #$ + is he? Pete is not very cold I was looking for a coal 2 dogs ••neer
Mey all you typical tables Waaa the cooler Y oT ony/bigT were sporfn hockey stick that's a DAMN SMAME
Jeep lost at water gap the hick fair RED DEVIL CB-targel range burnouts at K-Mart breaking down at K-Mart MikeatPizzs Time comparing f A sJlHeaking Jeep to Mustang it's about lime JS fast LX what's the question vicking hardware at Channel
nice Conquest MM repoman MZ-comming home from Jessica's party the burning Subaru Rl 22 is your car fixed yet? 9 people MS-thc Camino give me l>ack my tapes! MA-let's here that great sound system KM-put your top down, RELAX the
l.eqomobile what else are you putting on your car? getting stuck at the dots house
lost in Staten Island with PiB looking for LS party do it up CG-three car pass on cooper almost Jeremy don t nuke that gold fish eating raw hot
B'Sunday brunches Ye see what I m saying it Andy Rye Mouse on f'ridays the killer dogs WOO WOOS CD s the 12 Pack party in Mountainside DS-where is the OSX-R
lets go back, way back MY MAPI after school at Ryan's MC's party
Mom, Dad, Qordie - thank you for giving me so much
I love
Andy no studder falling off the chair wegoldisted 4-wheeling in Plainfield cutting out of school, snowday
YO BABY driving to J.J. Rockers ripped with MM whats BM-your always so quiet Pieil are your parent's home? Good we re coming over
the cut ID s
Thanks Mom & Dad for everything See Ya Good Luck to myself
goodnight kiss did that happen? powderpuff foursome Lara thanx for everything I love you alol Minna
group of ten girls hell week Braces, The sunroof the B.I.P The ultimate
She touched me Yeah boy! dude your so big! Just Kidding Is that your fast car? Piew Zealand girls are OUT!!! football camp
Booster club night Lara and I got you back!!! hows that freshman MR. RMYTMYM! LARA
you said it not me! Mey Bill why do we have to share girlfriends? letsgotoavon Why did SHE have to come where you going to college? skiing Linton and his thumb Hey Ya Baby 4 state troopers You did it now!!!
In the woods!!! Give Miliary a fiare gun! AP1DY WYMAP1= EDUCATED STUDD Why do you use S.A.T Words?
you guys are the best I II miss you Jen Mello! Can I goto bed? I hate call waiting ILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU APiD MEVER rORGET
How do they do that??? I LOVE YOU MOPPIE DOO!! Thanx for the talks! W-H Pia, Pla, Pla, Pla, Pla, Pia, Pia, Pla, Hey, Hey, GOODBYE MICHAEL AMD JESSICA, I LOVE YOU GUYS WITH ALL MY HEART MOM&DAD WORDS CAP1T EXPRESS HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU!!! THAP1X!!!!!
Lara Selesner
WHATS DOlPiG? * KIMBERLY-Florida 87, 88, turquoise stuff; suntanning; bags; hair up and sunglasses; HYC cabs; "Is this Metropark?" On my own; hands, don't screw up the plans; bets; passing cars; rainy boring days; prom; Westfield ice cream stories; movies, dinner etc.; 2am phone calls; peer leadership; pencil sharpener; Elemmington; OUR lunch table; aerobics; videotaping; killer cat; size 5/6; greengolf balls; SAT's; summer reading-movies; sleeping-This week U R not Just a good friend but a BFf! 1love U 20 M1LL10P1 TIMES! HEIDI-move over bacon; lOU lunch w/ EREPiCH dressing; lunch card?; us diet?; drizzle, rain, pour, LET'S CAUSE A ELOOD!! (use an umbrella); JAP; BRETT; Eletch lives Get dressed! Had a nice time; guidance,- Harvard-we ll be there; finally driving; Princeton Review; Hills; Friendly's; gossip; the combo is in the next locker, flirts; lunch; Phil Collins-Peter Gabriel; Flirtatious Pink; U R the only one who really knows and cares; our great grandparents etc.; U Rmy one and only! PEPIARD-lm so happy for you; Dave; chem (no cheating); the lake; computers; lacrosse; the boat; driving; Friday's; I won't get lost. 1promise!; Scotchwood Diner,- phone (off by 10) Kids R us; Im here ifya need to talk MATTHEW- HI action replay?; sweet 16; from a tree? you brought a friend; can't come in,- buying shells; U lost your chance; 34C; TRUST; pp-v; bet by Dec.l; drunk midnight caller,- race tracks; summer nights! (what did I say?),- grounded; 4 guys no more,- starfish-jellyfish; Great Balls of Fire; parking lot; only Jewish friend; see ya at Cincinnati BILL-sober nights;joke book; dots w/ Jill; Mow old am 1?pres*vp; your cat; that summer night; Minna; prom; I II make a BILLYC. doll SHAWH-when are you getting your car? Michelle; Jen's house MIKE-Staten island; nudge in ecology; massages; the mall; the chair;
Dorian go back to StulM Cee Uou Piext Tuesday It says it all Jessica IS to fa ll only 3 colleges and a real long
just kidding remember the good times Lost in Love Tell Myke to relax! God! .. Just toooooo protective Tell Tina I said ERIEPIDS rOREVER AP1D KEEP 1P1TOUCH Penny The Sponge Advil Pajama Party 6rStevie B We had the best time
followhim home; the sun roof; 3rd study; Thanks for making sure Igot home HOLLY-1 drive better when I m drunk
you my friend today? I am sojealous! Give me a hug-now a good one! MATT S.-5 calls a night, w/ nothing to say
parent pressure,- Mindy s ride home; your driveway; tennis and lacrosse; Don't do illegal things! JEHfl-history final
raisens?how is your PB-i-J today? Are you really a deacon? LES-Don't slip; your dad; twinkle fora devil dog hEIL-l know your number.- I'm bored; you do It? cat in the fireplace,- the fire in TCBY JESSICA-finally friends . HOHI- "I LOVE YOU HOHI' don't talk behind my back-say it to my face,- Spanish w/ my friend BRAHDOH-I didn t steal your bracelet CRAIG B.-home shopping club; walk over,- ice skating; skiing; our ecology report MIHHA- little boy, 7 seconds, COW; Jeremy's; prom,- lacrosse; I know where you live now LAURA LORETTA MORAM-thegolf course; I m Presbetarian/Congregationalist; the flirt will get up and walk away; pickle juice and shots PETER COTTOH TAIL- tennis; massages; Chesapeake; your party-mistake,- don't go near Miliary HILLY- U R such a BETH! computers,- movies; his breath was Kickin; art (I don t sweep or iron); one bad turn; car wash; Mallbou; Staten Island; TCBY; library,- Italian Fair; SUPRERSOHIC; wait; guidos JB; Dwayne-wayne; Johnny (I knew); potato salad; Heil; you made her cry,- Cavaricci King; Westfield movies; black corvette; Peter 2X,- FERRIS BUELLERS DAY OFF! $2.00 lipstick; clip; my clothes (I want them back); Josh (I thought he was perfect); smoking (yours not mine); major perfume; Scotchwood Diner; "B I am so cute! ' CRAIG G.- peer leadership, yellow megaphone; nothing you say is the truth! I m going to bring you home- I love those pants; I'm not drunk, 1always drive like this!" How is Sami? It was worth the 2 packs of Trident Original!! AHDY- the wrestlinq rrialch-l am 2 points ahead; you blew me off,- give me a hug, baking cookies-yeh right! class flirts,- SHH! ROB- BOA and MC, The Sawicker. Bobby; sunroof; I saw from the car,- booster club; powderpuff; peer leader partners,- Oh Lamour,- supper; b-day balloons,- ALL- I'll take that beer- did he eat his kid? no phone; Seaside-when? Polo Club-yeh right; now tell me the truth,- Spanish; study hall; the bus,- my ears aren t pretzels- those
jeans; DRIViriG! Igot home okay. I'll let you go JEREMY-butterfingers; honey,- it's not pouring yet;jelly fish; biology partner- I'm winnina my game- you are losing your game,- backseat- never,- Bennigan's-pizza,- pool table,- 4 hours,- the dismaster is me,- ABC U lalerll powderpuff- the Biq Dapper-ych right; your notes,-jogging 2 miles,- driving to school; potato salad; I'll drive-football helmet; my touchdown.- beans- Fletch Lives^ Martford-Hslen to the air, get dressed; put that away; let's make up and then we will fight; that's your side and this is mine- I II mak<» wnu rrv Inman Avenue,- WHATEVER DITTO! LOUIS- I'm sorry! (It wasn'tjust me) 1/2 way; Steve Miller,- getting lost; prom, one for each div nfihe week; mall; June 10.- tour.- a postcard; Tufts,- 3 calls; Tucon-Alabama; Shack; The shore? Foodtown w/ Rob.- stealing tests.- i m not vour mother Devil s game. America's Most Wanted, your parrot, 6 pages of everything for nothing! birthdays, Hets game, lake your drivinq test- Pr^rptnri Review; JCC. red tic tacs-not kosher; cherry certs; Sweedish fish, parking lots, movies, garbage cans, the postcard and pencil were k" directions, the rabbit. I can't help but flirt; Parsonage diner,- you look fine! FOUIS Thanks for everything! U stilt O me 3 thingsMl mi i
god x2- snugglepuss yodoalayehou hands,- singing; shoe store; GET OUT! Our differences will never come between us!! Qootl t i,, you MOM and DAD- Thanks! You are the best and I love you! See ya W-M! '
remember the hot days at the track they make the best subs MOP1Y-MOP1 A.S what a Waste of time SLOB lifting
Meil Yadoit?. Wheres Hillary??? Tiffany and Shelby
DAVE-Mi neighbor-are HEETA-peer leadership, CHRIS-1 pretzel for 3
k Z r

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