Page 90 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 90
^ ee!5SS555SS"SSe55e5B *
Idiot Waldo HurtinDorkB Merely
Really think so huh!
Jason Solenske
O — Kjy Jolj watch your moutli do you want me to rnaKc your head look like a toilet bowl with a hole In It
which way up the period 1for third period
did he go?
is almost over
study hall
Poland it s been real
let seat nice shot Pete Pleon DelorC rsolty Pine klelbasa Peter, Pau , and Mary? Mans and Praris Jellyman well isn t that special Jaworski Lester
the yokes on you when Is our next holiday Coach, I can t practice, it s a Pollsl Mollday
Matthew Wolfe Stepanski
Strip down Pontiac Garage Wall In Cran Racial Darrel and Mrs. Mac Attack Rat in the hole Race Love boat vs. RR B.C. with the coke on the bus and back
111break his legs Rob Wanna Rill Calahan Mce wanna be Mustang, you know Mr. T and the pencil Acid Illiterate Wassss up BrI CJ My lung, feels great slide slim, Tex, looser, Refridgeralor Man Borsch, n^ice shot Ma! Dad Meat Mead Super fly Snooker rinnooo! R+ Q + B too. Camp Feel like a fool with the pump mom Mitchell Rumpkin
Me Take it your self paps rtorble Mazeltav Shena cleda toddela tthesolliid haiirrdew^ ^ f^isinets AuntB .. Drop
Smashing Stay Puff Load Man Economics, Voodo Economics Rap in the mouth That is not fake doggie doolTS Wuzz
can get there himself dead twice, DMIS drooling vegetable
Let me tell'you a little'aboul, The Keter Blunt System IT, Jack, Shirley TA, JS. MS, SO, Camp
Unless he s a
Jennifer Torres
Tukey! Tukey! UQMMMs it over? What are you thinking? The Cure
Football?. Steve from the parkway?. Strate?. 6/29/89. The Duster. The reservation, hew Order. Ghosts. Grounded with C.L. fir popcorn? FIRE!! M.S You Big Dope!. Rules of Life Golf, R.R., V, C.L Want some Stoli? What do I want? 1don't know!. Save The Whales. C.Z
8/21/89. Goodbye. Wish you were here' A.S
1miss home!. Willy &
The bird on the island W ho'sout there L.MMow do you get to school? .
for caravans R.M., R.R., A.S., 3 years? Forever Young Have Fun . C.Q. . 1
13 yrs., buddy- B.B You talk fast? .. T.B It's a white wedding? .. J.B
alone! h.S.L.A.X. It's been fun? . D.S I'm Taller! J.S My Little Friend J.R London 6r The Cruise Chad & Rock P.Q
Mere sa HuglWho's Fake? . S.B . . ReepSmilin' B.C My #1 W-M Friend? . 1Can't Sleep . C.M.fifK.S ... hot My Tender Teddy MeyAI! Rubadubdub Thanks for the Grub! A.S We Mad Fun & Don't Forget It! . I Love You! Michael, I'll miss you . R.S The Sun, Stars, Smiles, Dreams&The Beach Turtles&Deer Best Friends 3 hr. kisses? . I swear I got lost on the way home! .. Are you sleeping we all live in that yellow submarine . FOREVER?. I Love You, Revin A.S., R.S., Do we miss home? ,.. Mom flf Dad What can I say? . Walk on the sunny side of the street forever! Thanks for Everything! I'm going to miss you! . I Love You!!! .. SMILE!!!
Les Warner
Hackoo!! Red and the diner mobile. MGruffl 10 TM GRADE Geometry class. Personality changes prep/tackhead. honi, honee, honie Pioni n Darrell SLICR BACR Why don t you take a sport? PCC #1 The Green The Black table Ecology trips (The Great Swamp) Adventures in the SAAB Ramos parties Stacey vs Roz the confrontation Excuse me! African History Mi AMIGO! Pine cone head, morning breath A night at the movies. Rita n Ritu The German Experience. Rita s wild weekends! Mother jokes. Rosalinda and Domingo. 8th grade track. CAROL loves Pride more than YOU!!!! Trips to Mewark Convention Mew Orleans 89 Jack n Jill parties. I m Fly Woody the lollipop incident Wilber. Crlnger summer 88 The hot dog stand Wannabees Thanks for the compliment but I get them eveyday Chain smokers Michelle s and Vivian s sweet sixteen The track bus Otis n Mama ham sandwich You want to go to the movies? A southern flavor mustard sandwiches bike ride through Cedarbrook strong island Jungle bunny Wake up Roger!! Back to life/Back to reality Why are you always in the lounge? W-M school dances eaves We all have our hangups Tahira watch that attitude! Matt stop sweating! The retreat Dan n Ritz Mow did that happen? I'M going to Tuskeegee. T.T. D.B. D.E. A.M- J.H. S.A. J.H. D.G. P.J. Moni is never satisfied. The party line Three way M.R. vs L.W. one fight per year Jason's corny jokes Jim s Math class Big John Pete s party Molly at Jeremy's Meidi doing the wop Computers with Freeman Bisquick ' Toodles' drop 7th Period. You figured it out. Shes wearing pants! Jesica and Robbin in the Phllilpines The year of Batzmitvhas It starts in the home A problem within themselves. Give me a kiss! You never know till u try Such is life, waves the dew rage 2 blacks a Flip and a Jew school daze hard to the body , Vanity 6 M.E. concert 83' Motherland Richmond Va. Spring break 87 Godspell 89' Ain't no half steppin S- n- P The adventures In D.B s truck. The audition on West 57th. coons Funk Thieves Mey love Doreen s club tapes. Mew Years with B.E.and T.S. DO THE RIGHT TMIMG!!! Malibu days . A longjourney on 287 whats goin on?-Robert's house-1 II pray for you Young Achievers-Senior cleanup-Carol's swim parties-The Guy concert-ciscos-thats a waste of tafent-MMA conventions-get over it!!!-the IM crowd-You re a mess!-Do you know what?-EU livin large-high lighting wont get you that-red necks- stuble-Well after 13 years its time to say later toodles Adios-Good luck T.A. B.E. and the rest of those who have to survive WM for yet another year-Thanx mom and dad for all your sacrifices See ya Wardlaw!!!!!!!
C.J WakeUp! R.S 1 year! . R.R Watchout don't know you; want to babysit? ... my basement M.W.- Relax your Jaw Certifiable!!! ... I'm weird just leave me