Page 91 - 1990 Wardlaw Hartridge
P. 91

 Michael Zucker
gifa^°iw °e ^Chud°C^ud Just Do It Lost on the way to Lisa s with Lara It s over Qary s got a^ncw tie Lhud Chud, Chud, Chud ^ ZOOKS Their s a mouse in the wall We re somewhere in Staten Island Andy, wanna
rKf.rv. I Jk/ ^ rha^^fi?'
Seasirt°e“S L R Where K mvTr?? Where IS my LD..
The nickel in LM s tuna sandwitch
Let me see that *boy's I.D. Beernuts OM BOY! Test What Tesf?
Broken Window ^ Book Bag 9^^ station
Toddehand me a potam^
Heidi s n o ip in Alg.
Do You Trust Me ?
study h ill
eveTyth^. Good Luck M al^
A M. and his Woo-Woo s Jeep rides noni s mouth °Bs«ssion You amt seen nuthin yet! Jordan front row with LM
®^ r
Steve Miller concert hYU with B.G.
Where is my radio J.D.? Heidi s directions to Lisas?
Morton Downey Jr.
Returning from Belmar Sawicki and the Sunroof Mailboxes . Christmas
'Chean^Ran' Th^ llllS ? rA n T W A m
HI sr
^o"ovvork,Howdoyoudosowell? TheFury TheJCC BagelSticks SheawithLM Vahe s Thriller Yo Solace, that's twice L.M. and the Jackets Thanks Mom and Dad for
Trip to Florida
Short change the toll collector Lab Reports B Ball at WH
L.M. and the nets Talent what Talent’
H Seacaucus The Blind Leading The Blind
never Quit
Oksenhorn? Mud Ratt Matt s Shells Jen s party ARIGHT IB.M. Vozars tuxedo pants
EHH ' Hiah beams The Triangle of Trade "Look out, the Comachi Eating with third period
LM. MA Overheating
Great Baseball Trip ■■CHIPPI" Fat Slob
L.S. the nudge in Ecology
L.S. and the Chair Where is our car? Millrose

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