Page 28 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 28

 The Academic Association
As a meeting was not held in May, 1919, for the election of the offi­ cers of this association for this year, the president of the Athletic Associa­
tion called a meeting for this purpose early in the fall. The results of the election were as follows:
President—Hariet Davis
I ice-President—Serena Murphy Secretary—Margaret Lounsbery
Shortly afterwards, in another meeting, the Editor-in-Chief of the Annual was elected.
When it was time for the Juniors to select their class ring, they pro­ posed that the yearly class rings be abolished, and that a school ring be in­ troduced. Unfortunately suggestions were not handed in, so that it became necessary to have a jeweler draw up a few designs. These, however, did not meet with the approval of the girls. Although it was first voted that only Juniors and Seniors should have the privilege of having the ring, this was changed in a later meeting, and now it would be the privilege of the whole Academic to possess a ring if there were one, but unfortunately it has proved to be a failure.
In February Margaret Lounsbery resigned, and Gertrude Belcher was elected secretary in her place.

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