Page 45 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 45

Hockey did not have its usual brilliant career this fall, because of interruptions. First the prevailing bad weather hindered practicing, and then the rehearsals for Alcestis took some of the principal players out. So by the time the numerous new girls had been taught the rules and reg­
ulations of the game, and the old players had gotten into practice again, it was after Thanksgiving.
The first match game proved a very exciting one, the two teams— Green and Purple—were drawn up, and Nancy Doggett was electecf cap­
tain of the Green team, while Martha Cluverius was chosen as the Purple team’s captain. The teams were well matched and both sides put up a good fight, aided by the enthusiastic cheers from the side lines. The Pur­ ple team won the first game. In the next game the Green team redeemed
itself and was victorious.
In the spring the deciding third game was played. It proved a very
exciting one, as neither side was willing to give in. However the Green team won the championship.

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