Page 47 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 47

The tennis last fall started off much later than usual; because of rainy weather, and on account of all the new girls it took us longer to get settled. 7'he tournament began with almost every girl entering and a great deal of
spirit was shown, but almost without w^arning Avinter came upon us. There was no getting out of it, the tournament must wait to be finished in the spring, which then seemed a long way off.
We thought, at first, that among all the new girls there might be a new champion, but the opinion still is that Katharine Shellabarger will
again win the championship which she has held for so many years. There is, also, much talk of who will get the cup. and it seems that there are several girls who stand a very good chance of winning that hard fought for article.
Enthusiasm for tennis seems to increase each year among the girls, and I hope that in a short time we will recognize it as one of our biggest sports.

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