Page 5 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 5

 The Plainfield Trust Co.
Your Financial Requirements and how we can meet them
TF YOU need a checking account, our Banking Depart­
ment will serve you and you will receive liberal in­ terest on adequate balances.
TF' YOU want to cultivate the valuable habit of thrift, our Special Department will furnish the incentive to
sa\'e by paying you 4% ctunpound interest.
TF' YOUR jewelry and valuable papers reciuire greater
safety than the home safe or strong box affords, our Safe Deposit Vault will insure their protection.
TF YOU wish to provide for the well-being of your fam­ ily and the safety of your estate, our Trust Depart­
ment will act as yonr Trustee under a vohin'ary trust agreement during your life-time and as executor under your will.
F^FTESE are only a few of the ways in which this Company can serve you. A talk witli one of our Officers will doubtless suggest other ways, so do not hesitate to come to us with your financial
Orville T. Waring, President
.-\ugustiis \'. lleely, Pice-President
Harry H. Pond, Pice-President
DeWitt Hubbell, Secretary and Treasurer
F. Irving W'^alsh, Assistant Secretary-Trca<:urcr Adele II. Kirby, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer H. Douglas Davis, Assistant Secretary
Russell C. Doeringer, Assistant Treasurer
Ernest R. .Ackerman Henry M. Cleaver Frederick Geller Arthur M. Harris
Augustus y . Heely
DeWitt Hubbell Edward H. Ladd, Jr. Charles W. McCutclien Harry II, Pond
Charles A. Reed
Samuel Townsend Cornelius B. Tyler Lewis E. Waring
Orville 'P. Wearing

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