Page 6 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 6

Departments of Service
TDANKIXG—29r and S'/ paid on clieck-
^ infi' accounts: out of town items col­
lected at par. 4*/ paid on accounts of $5.00 or more in our Special Department. Out of town sa\'in.u's accounts collected
free of charge.
^ R U S T —Act as extJUtor, administrator,
trustee and in all fiduciary capacities: the charges are the same as those allowed individuals.
SAFE DEPOSIT—Safe Deposit Boxes
of liberal dimensions for rent in our massive steel vault: $5.00 per \ear and un­ wards. Silver and other valuables in Indk
stored for 50c per month and upwards according to value and space occupied.
T3 EAL ESTATE.—Act as agent for the
sale, rental and care of real estate of every description. I'nusual service for the usual commission.
A EDITING—Our Auditing Departmen’
offers the services of a competent, ex­ perienced auditor for accounting problems of every character from the opening of a
set of hooks to complete audits. Our I charges are nominal.
INSURANCE — The State Insuring
Agencv (Associated). The State In­ suring Agency represents the principal Fire Insurance Companies doing business in this State. Place vour insurance with them: thev are prepared to give von
s e r v i c e :
M. C. \'AN .VRSDALE. Vice President
I'rank C. Ard. Plainfield, Physician
George E. Babcock, Plainfield
1'. C. .\RI). M. I)., J’icc /^residen!
George M. Holstein. I’lainfield
^^*m. P. Clyde & Co.. New York
Alex. Milne, Plainfield, Builder TI. B. Mingle, West Orange, New York ('ity
\Vm. Newcorn, Plainfield
Assistant .\ttorney-General of N.
Seymour Perkins, Plainfield
Rhoades S: Co., Bankers, New York
M. C. \'an Arsdale, Plainfield, Merchant
J. E. \ ’anderhoef, Plainfield, Merchant
J. A. ^’'an Mater. Plainfield
New Jersey Zinc Co., New York City
L .T J J _____
Samuel Bingam an, Plainfield
George I\E Rittenhouse & Co., New Vork
George S. Clay, Plainfield Counselor-at-Law. New York City
.1. H. Cooley. Plainfield. Physician .\. H. Dundon. Plainfield. Physician
1). Edgar. Plainfield
Central R. R. of N. J.. Jersey City
Edward F. Feickert, Plainfield. President
E. I'. I'EICKERT, President

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