Page 71 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 71

I'he Iacu
At the head is Miss 1lartridge, ^^dl() is a perfect dear.
If it were not for her We would not he liere.
I hcii comes Miss Mapelstlen ^^dlom we all do admire.
I o he exactly like her , Is what we do aspire.
Miss M. H. Wells impresses you Wdth wisdom great and strong. .And if you do hut lollow her
\ ou will not go far wrong.
Miss 1lewes comes not so often .\s we should like her to.
But when she does you may believe rhe “blues” all Hee from you.
Miss M. A. Wells is jolly, Lovable and sincere.
But if we try to praise her
We’d never finish here.
Miss Williamson, a paragon, In music us doth teach.
E ’en if you don’t know music, You do know she’s a peach.

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