Page 74 - 1920 Hartridge
P. 74

Remarks W itty and Otkerwtse
Just after the football game, Miss Wells (1\" History) swept the pirates from the seas?”
K. A.—“Yale!”
In church at commencement of sermon. Weary Boarder— ‘‘Now for a good sleep.”
Minister (with true clerical insight)— ‘‘Sleep on! Sleep on!”
iiAnd Suggestions for name of new house. Miss Mapelsden— ‘‘Since they
Miss Thompson (retelling the tale of the capture of Troy) so the Greeks came down from their high horse.”
sleep there, why not call it Bedlam?”
M iss Kingsbury (111 Spelling)— ‘‘Harriet, use aspire in a sentence.” H. M.— ‘‘Well, our church has a spire.
M iss Wells ( IV History)— ‘‘Contrast the death of Themistocles with that of Aristides.”
Bright pupil— “ Well, Aristides died in poverty.”
Second bright pupil— “ Yes, and Themistocles died in Persia.”
Jane, excitedly—“Oh, where can Miss Mary B?”
Pupil describing farm and animals, tried to urge teacher to visit the place, and as an inducement, added— “ Oh, the pigs are adorable, when you come there’ll be fifty.”
Helen Wyckoff, knocking her head against a wall— “ Ouch, I hit my crazy bone!

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