Page 5 - Pickleball LTPD_APRIL FINAL_v2
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What is Long-Term Player Development?

                What is the best way for a player to develop?

                Long-Term Athlete Development is a development                     squash and/or other racquet sports. As a result, the
                framework designed to answer that question. LTAD                   framework for youth entry and development has
                is a new wave in athlete development, based                        not been extensively developed, but as the sport
                on the integration of sport science research with                  grows it is likely that more, younger players will be
                experience in working with players and coaches                     attracted to Pickleball.

                to develop a comprehensive set of development
                principles. LTAD takes the concept of periodization                A key LTPD premise is that participants will not
                (the integration of competition, training, recovery,               only be more successful in sport, but healthier
                nutrition, and other elements of preparation to                    throughout life if they develop “physical literacy”
                create a long-term training plan) to the next                      at a young age – a wide range of skills that include
                level,  by  integrating  preparation  over  an  entire             movement, balance,  throwing,  catching,  hitting,
                career or lifetime, and considering the holistic                   etc. The development of sound physical literacy
                development of the individual as well as his/her                   skills, followed by ongoing learning and training
                development as a player. Today, every Canadian                     introduced during “windows of optimal trainability”
                sport organization is using LTAD as the basis for                  keyed to developmental ages and stages, is
                their long-term planning. More information can be                  necessary  for  any  athlete  to  reach  his  or  her  full
                found in the document “Canadian Sport for Life”,                   potential. Missing a step, or introducing the “5 S’s”
                as well as other LTAD resource papers available at                 (stamina, strength, speed, skill and suppleness) too
                                                     early or late, restricts the athlete’s potential and

                                                                                   makes reaching the highest levels of performance
                In Pickleball, following the example of some other                 more difficult. This is just as important for adult-
                sports, we will use the phrase “Long-Term Player                   entry players, who may have to improve skills and
                Development” or LTPD for this framework. Pickleball                abilities later than the “optimal windows”. However,
                players can enter the sport at any age, but have                   by understanding the 10 Key Factors of LTPD,
                tended to enter in adulthood. In many cases players                coaches can help players of any age participate
                take up the sport after participating in tennis,                   and achieve their aspirations more effectively.

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