第二課 我七歲 I am Seven Years Old
練習 Practicing
Part I
A. 圈圈看:請圈出圖中的ㄊ、ㄐ、
ㄑ。Circling: Please circle ㄊ , ㄐ and ㄑ in the picture.
ㄊ ㄙ ㄑ
ㄐ ㄊ
ㄙ ㄛ
ㄑ ㄐ ㄨ
ㄊ ㄐ
B. 數數看:請數數看圖中有幾個
ㄊ、ㄐ、ㄑ。Counting: Please count how many ㄊ , ㄐ
and ㄑ are in the picture.
ㄊ( ) ㄐ( ) ㄑ( )