Page 12 - Blue Lives Matter: In the Line of Duty | PREVIEW
P. 12



               First and foremost, I want to acknowledge my co-author Robert (Bob)
               Schirn, the unofficial historian for the District Attorney’s Office. He
               shares my appreciation for the contributions and sacrifices that police
               officers have made in the line of duty, and we both wanted to prepare a
               book that portrays police officers in a positive and accurate manner. Bob
               spent countless hours locating files, transcripts, reports, and photographs
               and collected documents from various sources including case files, police
               agencies, clerks’ offices, and newspapers. Bob and I then spent many hours
               collaborating on and organizing each chapter in this book.
                  Both Bob and I are career prosecutors, and we have written this book
               in the manner and style of a lawyer. We are direct and straightforward in
               our approach, and we have attempted to lay out the facts and the court
               proceedings without undue embellishment. We have avoided literary de-
               vices that would overly dramatize the deaths of the officers. The death of
               an officer and its impact on family, friends, and society is dramatic enough
               that additional emphasis is not necessary. This book is written primarily in
               the third person, but certain segments are in the first person when I have
               been personally involved in the case or have personal comments to make
               about the case.
                  I want to acknowledge the contributions of Deputy District Attorney
               Darren Levine not only to this book but also for his successful prosecu-
               tions of cases involving murdered police officers. Darren also should be
               credited for helping develop and advance many of the techniques, proce-
               dures, and protocols utilized by CAPOS (Crimes Against Peace Officers
               Section) in the earliest levels of investigations and successful prosecutions
               in court. CAPOS has been blessed with some of the best lawyers in the of-
               fice. However, Darren Levine clearly has distinguished himself as perhaps
               the best in CAPOS’ history. Out of eight chapters in this book, four involve
               cases handled by DDA Darren Levine.
                  I also want to acknowledge the contributions of former LAPD Captain
               Greg Meyer, who provided the authors with his insightful expertise on po-
               lice tactics and officer safety. I hope that police officers can benefit from the
               “Lessons Learned” segments and use them as a training device to increase
               their awareness and response to potentially dangerous situations.

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