Page 18 - Blue Lives Matter: In the Line of Duty | PREVIEW
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                       2                                             vol.


                Blue Lives Matter 2     YES, MA’AM!           TRUE BLUE III
                In the Line of Duty     Running the in Blue Line  Police Stories by ose Who
                                                              Have Lives em
                by Cooley & Schirn      by Officer Susan Bickett
                                                              by Sgt. Randy Sutton
                If you’ve enjoyed this   Yes Ma’am! is the true   Lieutenant Randy
                copy of Blue Lives     story of female cop   Sutton’s fascinating
                Matter: In the Line of   trying to make it in a   collection of stories and
                Duty, you’ll be happy to   man’s world. Officer   memories, solicited
                know that this is only   Susan Bickett ( Saman-  from law enforcement
                the first book in a series   tha Bennet ) started her   officers across the coun-
                of books by Hon. Steve   career with e Green   try, offers a broad and
                                                             insightful lo
                Cool                   B Bay Police Department   insightful look at the
                Cooley and Robert
                Schirn that gives read-  in 1994 and served 22   many facets of police
                ers an in-depth look at   years with the depart-  life: courage, exhilara-
                the cases that involve   ment, 18 of those years   tion, frustration, loss,
                line-of-duty deaths in   on the streets of Green   and even humor, from
                America. For more in-  Bay.  Here, Officer     the everyday to the
                formation visit        Bickett shares her fac  career-defining mo-
                www.bluelivesmatter    tual memoirs about life   ments on the job. Told
                  on the street and the   by the cops that lived
                                       courage it took to live   them, these stories
                                       through it.           show what it truly
                                                             means to protect and

                Spring 2018            Summer 2018                 Fall 2018
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