Page 23 - BDA 04Nov,15
P. 23

                                                                                                                                               Diaranson 4 November 2015

He guides me in paths of righteousness                               Mi ta kanta pa SEÑOR, E ta mi forsa,                         “Señor ta mi wardador,
For His name’s sake.                                                 El a trese mi salbashon Salmo: 118                           mi’n tin falta di nada
Even though I walk through                                           Conforme cu boluntad di Dios y gradecido na loke el a        Den cunucu di yerba
The valley of the shadow of death,                                   haci y nifica pa nos, nos ta participa fayecimento di        berde e ta ponemi sosega.
I will fear no evil,                                                                                                              E ta hibami na awa trankil,
For You are with me;                                                                                                              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.
Your rod and Your staff,                                                                                                          Salmo: 23
They comfort me.                                                                                                                  Cu honda pena, pero con-
Psalm 23: 3 & 4                                                                                                                   forme cu Dios Su santo
With heartfelt sympathy and love we announce the sudden pass-                                                                     boluntad, nos ta anuncia
ing, of an amazingly talented, smart and above all compassionate                                                                  fayecimento di :
human being, who we were honored to have known and call our
son, grandson, brother, family and dear friend

Jordan Spencer                                                             Sr. Arturo Donisio Geerman
  Su Fui Ling
                                                                               Mihor conoci como “Tuyo di Bechi”
      *18-11-1983 -                                                      Viudo di: † Sra Catharina Geerman Dijkhoff
                                                                                      *09-10-1941- † 30-10-2015
Left to mourn are his:                                               Na nomber di su:
Beloved Parents:	Clifton & Ingrid Ling                               Yiunan: Sandra y Edixon Arguelles- Geerman
Brother:		        Dustin Ling                                        	 Arthur Geerman                                               Seferina Rosalia
Grandparents:	 Tjin Tjoen Tad & Lieuw Tai Kjauw                      Mescos cu yiu : Maritza Geerman y Piero Maduro                Boekhoudt“Sefe”
Partner:		        Dennelise Wever                                    Mescos cu nieta: Mandy y Amarantha Oduber
Uncles & Aunts:	                                                     Rumannan: † Selpha(Cheche) Luydens Geerman y † Se-                  *23-04-1945 -
	 Jimin & Hanna Ling (Hong Kong)                                     feraiano Luydens                                                     †29-10-2015
	 Rosemary Chang (USA)                                               Elsa Y Jacobo (Coby) Angela Geerman y Famia                  Na nomber di
	 Yolanda Ling                                                       Carmen (Camimi) y † Isidro Franken Geerman                   Su yiu:	
	 Lily (Godmother) & Sang Fong Moo (Curacao)                         †Dominico (Domi) y Rosaria Geerman De Cuba y Famia           Francis Boekhoudt
	 Johnson & Chau Wan Tjin                                            † Mario y † Cecilia Geerman Dijkhoff y Famia                 Rumannan:	
	 Robby & Erna Tjin (Holland)                                                                                                     Carmen
	 Stuart Tjin (Godfather in Holland)                                  † Clarita y † Octavio de Castro Couthinho Geerman y         Catharina & Nicolaas Giel
	 Jane Ling                                                          Famia                                                        y yiunan
	 Teresa Choon Len Tsen (Great Aunt in Australia)                    † Jacobo y Dolorita Geerman Kelly y Famia                    Johanna & Cor Rais y
	 Rose Ling (Australia)                                              Rosa Geerman y Famia                                         yiunan na Hulanda
	 Helen Yap (Australia)                                              † Bertha Geerman y Famia                                     Felix Maria & Franco
	 Margaret Chin & Cheppy Alders                                      Cuñanan: † Vda. Cecilia Geerman-Dijkhoff y Famia             Loefstop y yiunan
	 David & Pauline Chin & Family (USA)                                                                                             Fransisco
	 Shirley Rasmijn-Ling & Families                                                   Vda. Agnes Bremer- Dijkhoff y Famia           Frida y yiunan na
	 Robert, Darwin and Suzy Ling                                                       Imelda Dijkhoff y Famia                      Hulanda
	 Herbert Lyn & Family                                                              Vda. Julietta (Jeta) Maduro-Dijkhoff y Famia  Nicolaas
	 Carol Wever-Lyn & Family                                                           Josefa Dijkhoff	                             Policarpo
Cousins:                                                             Swanan: † Ricardo (Tony) Dijkhoff y Famia                    Mena y yiunan na
Sharlene Starke & Alberto Falconi, Clifton Starke & Adrienne                       Andres Dijkhoff y Famia                        Hulanda
Fraser, Eric & Cate Chang (USA), Alex & Reyna Chang (USA)                         † Sebastian (Chebito) V/d Biezen y Famia        Tanta:	
Hoy Lin Moo (Holland), Gareth Moo (USA), Brian & Angie                            Maikel Dijkhoff- Maduro y Famia                 Florentina de Cuba
Ling (Australia), Andrew Ling & Tina Pik (Australia), Carlton        Ayudnate di cas : Luz                                        Primo y primanan, amiga-
& Hilva Ling , Mindy Ling (Singapore), David & Juliet Tjin, Pa-      Tanta y Omonan, Sobrino- y sobrinanan, primo- y pri-         nan y bisiñanan
mela Tjin , Andrew Tjin , Jeffrey Tjin, Kimberly Chin ,Darryl &      manan, comer- y compernan, tur iha y demas famia.            Demas famia: Boekhoudt,
Tiziana Chin                                                         Su bon bisinjanan / Amigoenan                                Giel, Rais, Leofstop, Oge-
                                                                     Demas famia: Geerman, Dijkhoff,                              nia, de Cuba, Tromp,
Nephews & Nieces:Davie, Gianluca, Isaac, Ada, Jeremiah, Na-          Tromp ,Arguelles,Oduber,Luydens, Angela, Franken,            Everon, Thode, Carras-
than, Callum, Shanelle, Amy, Anderson, Sophia, Brandon, Ju-          De Cuba,Couthinho,Kelly, Edigoras,Bota, Trimon               quero, Lacle, Kelly
nior, Florian                                                        Disculpanos si den nos tristeza nos por a lubida un of mas   Ta invita pa e acto di en-
Friends: Jeremy Croes & Lana Hernandez, Samer Kaluf, Ramses          nomber di famia                                              tiero cual lo tuma lugar
& Julia Croes, Rose-Anne De Windt, Ali Khafir, Nadine & Is-          Acto di entiero lo tuma luga Diarazon 4 di November,         diasabra 7 november 2015
rael Posner, Suelyn Dankerlui, Ashlin Ahlip, Gershwin de Jong,       2015 di 9:00 pa 11:00 or di mainta na Aurora Funeral         pa 4’or di atardi saliendo
Javier Perregil, Ihab Kaluf, Ken Wolff, Jeng Leong, Jacqui & Al-     Home despues saliendo pa Santana Catolico na Noord.          for di misa St. Filom-
bert Raven, Mandy Hagens, Jaylen Lacle, Luigi Maduro, Miri-          E difunta lo ta reposa for di 9:00 or di mainta na Aurora    ena pa Santana Catholiko
am Schultz, Zanette Refunjol, Marc Chung, Calvin Wegereef,           Funeral Home.                                                Pastoor Kranwinkel na
Daan De Boer, Tim Egmond, Tahnee Britten, Rachel & Dennis            Adres pa condolencia ta na Aurora Funeral Home Cuma-         Paradera, nos estimada
Schonefeld, Tarek Navas, Cado De Lannoy                              na # 76, Diamars 3 November 2015 for di 7.00 pa 9.00 or      defunto lo ta reposa den
Other Families: 	 Ling, Tjin, Chang, Moo, Starke, Chin, Wong,        di anochi.                                                   misa for di 2’or di merdia.
Croes, Dobbelsteen                                                   Nos ta lamenta cu despues di entiero no por ricibi bishita   Despensa si nos por a laga
Relatives & Friends: Falconi, Fraser, Wever, Petronia, De Jong,      di condelencia na cas                                        algun famia atras.
Refunjol, Alders, Lee, Ahlip, Rasmijn, Howard, Kensenhuis,                                                                        Acto di entiero lo wordo
Yip, Van Lammeren, Ching, Odor, Dhanani, Yu, Romero, Lam,                                                                         anuncia despues
Bathrick, An, Tulabot, Deleon, Vasquez, Bauer and the entire
Ling & Sons IGA extended families and friends.
Our appologies if we have ommited any family or friends in our
moment of grief.
Instead of wreaths and flowers a donation to PAAZ will be highly
appreciated. There will be a box available in the church and at the
The funeral will be held on Saturday November 7, 2015 at the
Pro Cathedral San Francisco Church from 2 to 4 pm.
Viewing at the Aurora Funeral Home on Friday November 6,
2015 from 6 to 9 pm.
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