Page 3 - ATA 7 NOV 2015
P. 3

                                                                                                                                 Saturday 7 November 2015

Loyal Visitors Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority

EAGLE BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Au-       Tourism Authority, Visitors care Liaison bestowed    to Aruba were the weather, the restaurants, safety
thority honored Mr. William and Mrs. Donna Da-     the certificate of Goodwill Ambassadorship to the    and most of all the people.
vis, residents of Massachusetts, as Goodwill Am-   honorees on behalf of the Government of Aruba.       Mrs. Miriam Rodriguez, Mrs. Gloria Janga and Mrs.
bassadors of Aruba as a token of appreciation for  Ms. De Cuba  thanked them for choosing Aruba         Lina Asaytuno were present at the ceremony and
visiting the island for more than 20 consecutive   as their vacation destination and as their ‘home-    handed out some presents to the honorees and
years.                                             away-from-home’ for so many years.                   also thanked them on behalf of Costa Linda Beach
Ms. Darline S. de Cuba representing the Aruba      Visitors stated that the main reasons for returning  Resort.q
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