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Manchebo Health Week
November 16, 2017
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Trump Keeps Silent as Moore Storm Grows Louder
President Donald Trump speaks about his trip to Asia in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House, Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017, in Washington.
(AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
By ZEKE MILLER, STEVE PEOPLES ate and party officials sourly debat- ducked questions about the Ala- their support, Trump was seen as
Associated Press ed options that none of them liked. bama race and whether he would the best hope for pushing a fellow
WASHINGTON (AP) — President Far from surrendering, Moore’s join GOP congressional leaders in political rebel from the race. In-
Donald Trump kept uncharacter- camp fought back against alle- urging Moore to step aside. With stead, Moore, twice removed from
istically silent and out of the fight gations of sexual impropriety with Moore’s would-be colleagues his post as state Supreme Court
Wednesday as national Republi- teenage girls years ago when he threatening to expel him should he chief justice, confronted his party
cans called ever more insistently was in his 30s. Trump, who with- win and the Republican National with two damaging potential elec-
for Roy Moore to abandon his Ala- stood allegations of sexual assault Committee and National Republi- tion outcomes.
bama campaign for the U.S. Sen- weeks before his own election, can Senatorial Committee pulling Continued on Page 3
1st GOP Senator Opposes Tax Bill in Early Sign of Problems
By ALAN FRAM handful of dissidents conceded slash the 35 percent corporate produce more jobs.
MARCY GORDON they expected to be steamrolled tax rate to 20 percent, trim per- “It represents a bold path forward
Associated Press by a GOP frantic to claim its first sonal income tax rates and dimin- that will allow us as a nation to
WASHINGTON (AP) — Wisconsin’s major legislative victory of the ish some deductions and credits break out of the slow-growth sta-
Ron Johnson on Wednesday be- year. Eager to act before oppo- — while adding nearly $1.5 trillion tus quo once
came the first Republican senator sition groups could sow doubts to the coming decade’s federal and for all,” said House Ways and
to say he opposes his party’s tax among the rank-and-file, Republi- deficits. Means Committee Chairman Kev-
bill, signaling potential problems can leaders were anxious to hand Republicans touted their legisla- in Brady, R-Texas, as his chamber
for GOP leaders. Passage of a Donald Trump the first crowning tion as providing tax breaks for debated the bill.
similar package seemed certain bill of his presidency by Christmas. millions of families and leaving
Thursday in the House, where a The two chambers’ plans would companies with more money to Continued on Page 3