Page 7 - Minister Mike de Meza
P. 7


LOCALFriday 7 August 2015

Playa Linda Debuts Its Latest Picturesque Improvements

PALM BEACH –At the popu-                                                                                                  guests experienced the
lar Playa Linda Beach Re-                                                                                                 least amount of inconve-
sort, a greatly enhanced                                                                                                  nience possible during the
pool deck leads to a com-                                                                                                 renovation work,” explains
pletely renovated main                                                                                                    Marra. “At the cornerstone
pool. In the latest debut                                                                                                 of our operations, we strive
of upgrades at an iconic                                                                                                  to provide a ‘home away
property, an idealized im-                                                                                                from home’ atmosphere
age of a perfect way to                                                                                                   through unwavering hos-
spend an Aruba vacation                                                                                                   pitality along with ensuring
has been realized, with                                                                                                   beautiful surroundings and
the aqua blue of a free-                                                                                                  a high degree of comfort.”
form pool contrasting per-                                                                                                For over 30 years, Playa
fectly against the darker                                                                                                 Linda remains a favorite
turquoise of the nearby                                                                                                   island resort and an exam-
Caribbean Sea. The official                                                                                               ple of the best Aruba has
introduction of improve-                                                                                                  to offer. q
ments was recently shared
among guests and owners,       adding to Aruba’s qual-        handicap access ramps,        to an inviting shopping ar-
with General Manager Ste-      ity tourism product,” com-     new bathrooms and more        cade.
ven Marra marking the oc-      ments General Manager          shade with added chick-       “We were able to reach all
casion, together with rep-     Steven Marra.                  ees. The investment in        our goals, thanks to the ex-
resentatives from the Co-      As a mainstay in the is-       Playa Linda’s public areas    cellent work of local con-
op Board, including Chair-     land’s tourism industry, Pla-  also extends out into the     tractors and with the out-
person Angela Guarino.         ya Linda Beach Resort was      front of the resort, where a  standing efforts of our em-
“We began this process         one of Aruba’s first time-     new walkway helps safely      ployees, who went above
last year by unveiling a       shares and remains one of      bring in more foot traffic    and beyond to ensure
brand new activity pool,
and then went on to com-
pletely renovate the main

pool, adding new design        its best through a continu-
elements, and expanding        ous commitment to inno-
our pool deck. All of our ef-  vation and improvement.
forts have been in response    Along with the positive
to keeping up with the ex-     changes recently made
pectations of our members      to the pool, the pool deck
and guests as well as in       now features LED lighting,
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