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A4   U.S. NEWS
                  Saturday 28 april 2018

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            Democrats, GOP both target voters behind cracked 'blue wall'

            By  SARA  BURNETT  and  DA-                                                            considered the Democrat-     ganization  Working  Amer-
            VID EGGERT                                                                             ic front-runner.             ica,  says  Democrats  need
            WASHINGTON      TOWNSHIP,                                                              Democrats  are  embold-      to work on their message.
            Mich.  (AP)  —  Automotive                                                             ened  by  recent  wins  in  "People are really keen on
            engineer    Steve   Semian                                                             places  like  Pennsylvania  understanding  'How  am  I
            credits   Barack   Obama                                                               and  Wisconsin  and  by  going to make a living and
            with  rescuing  the  auto  in-                                                         the  high  emotions  of  their  what's  the  future  hold  for
            dustry and with it, much of                                                            backers. Last week, a fired-  me?'" said Morrison, whose
            Michigan.  But  the  47-year-                                                          up crowd of 6,700 flooded  organization  is  conducting
            old from Macomb County,                                                                a  state  party  convention.  one-on-one  "front  porch
            north of Detroit, says it was                                                          Later,  Whitmer  said  enthu-  conversations" with voters.
            the state's Republican gov-                                                            siasm  across  the  state  is  In  the  African-American
            ernor,  Rick  Snyder,  who                                                             "like nothing I've ever seen  community,  where  Demo-
            "helped us pull through" af-                                                           before" and declared: "We  crats  need  strong  turnout
            ter a long economic down-                                                              are  on  the  brink  of  a  big  to  win  statewide,  there's
            turn. And now it's President                                                           change in Michigan."         worry about a drop in turn-
            Donald  Trump  who's  fight-                                                           Still,  many  are  skeptical  out of 5 percentage points
            ing to restore the country's                                                           about a new blue wall in a  in  Detroit  in  2016  and  the
            manufacturing might.                                                                   place  where  Republicans  fact  there's  no  viable  Afri-
            So as the midterm elections                                                            have dominated state gov-    can-American Democratic
            approach,  Semian  is  lean-                                                           ernment  for  the  last  seven  candidate for major office
            ing Republican.                                                                        years.                       this year.
            "Of  course  we  can  always                                                           "I  think  what  we  had  was  Democrats  aren't  the  only
            point  and  find  blame  and                                                           an Obama wall," said Mich-   ones  counting  on  strong
            all  the  other rhetoric that's                                                        igan   Democratic    Party  feelings about Trump.
            going on with all of (Trump's)   In this April 19, 2018, photo, automotive engineer Steve Semian   Chairman  Brandon  Dillon.  Trump's  Michigan  admir-
            personal issues," he said as   speaks about Michigan's political climate at his son's baseball   In addition to winning tradi-  ers are "very, very passion-
            he  watched  his  7-year-old   practice in Romeo, Mich.                                tionally  Democratic-friend-  ate  about  the  president,
            son's baseball practice out-                                          Associated Press   ly young people, moderate  and  those  people  are  still
            side an elementary school                                                              independents and African-    involved," said Juston John-
            last  week.  "But  as  the  end  Democrats need to pick up  as  African-American  sup-  Americans,  Obama  swept  son,  political  director  for
            result, he's keeping our jobs  about two dozen seats for  porters  in  Detroit  to  the  some  conservative  coun-  the  Republican  National
            stable."                     a majority. Democrats also  polls — a plan that fell short  ties after his aid for the auto  Committee.
            Both  parties  are  paying  will  try  to  win  back  gover-  in 2014.                 industry.                    The  RNC  has  been  train-
            particular  attention  to  the  norships  in  Michigan,  Wis-  Both  parties  are  focused  "To the extent that we can  ing thousands of volunteers
            mood  in  places  like  this  consin and Iowa, and keep  intensely   on   Michigan's  rebuild,  I  think  that's  really  and  talking  up  issues  that
            because  of  the  decisive  Senate  seats  in  Michigan  wealthiest  and  most  edu-   what  we're  trying  to  focus  "test  off  the  charts"  in  the
            impact the upper Midwest  and Wisconsin.                  cated congressional district  on:  How  do  we  put  that  state, such as infrastructure
            had  in  the  2016  presiden-  Macomb  County,  the  site  to the west of Macomb —  coalition  back  together?"  investment  and  pursuing
            tial  race,  and  could  have  of  Trump's  rally,  is  among  the  kind  with  Republicans  asked Dillon.          trade deals favoring Ameri-
            again  this  fall  in  determin-  the  predominantly  white  who are typically least en-  How  Michigan's  economy  can workers, said Johnson.
            ing control of Congress.     counties  known  as  a  base  amored of Trump — where  will  affect  the  election  is  Take  voter  Terri  Rogulski,
            Michigan,  where  Trump  for  "Reagan  Democrats"  GOP Rep. Dave Trott is re-          debatable. While the state  a  real  estate  agent  from
            will travel this weekend for  —  blue-collar  voters  who  tiring. A large field of can-  is in its ninth straight year of  Washington   Township,
            a rally, is one of the states  abandoned  the  Demo-      didates  includes  business  recovery,  not  all  the  jobs  where new housing devel-
            that Hillary Clinton counted  cratic  Party  for  Ronald  executive  Lena  Epstein,  are  back,  and  crumbling  opments seem to be going
            on to help her win the presi-  Reagan,  but  who  can  be  an  ardent  Trump  support-  infrastructure,   especially  up  all  over  the  place.  She
            dency  in  2016.  Instead,  its  intriguingly movable.    er,  and  Democrat  Suneel  potholed  roads,  is  high  says 2017 was a peak year
            voters — part of a so-called  Obama  won  the  county  Gupta,  a  former  Groupon  among voter concerns.            for  her  industry,  which  she
            "blue  wall"  that  tradition-  twice,  then  Trump  carried  executive.               The  Michigan  Democratic  attributes  to  tax  cuts  and
            ally  backed  Democrats  it by more than 11 percent-      In  the  governor's  race,  Party hired six regional co-  the strong economy.
            for  president  —  delivered  age points.                 Attorney    General     Bill  ordinators  in  early  2017,  Rogulski  plans  to  vote  Re-
            Trump to the White House.    To  win  statewide  this  year,  Schuette,  who  will  attend  and is now spending 30 to  publican in 2018.
            At  stake  this  fall  in  the  re-  Democrats must win over a  this  weekend's  Trump  rally  40 percent of its budget on  "Everything's   good.   My
            gion  are  roughly  a  dozen  lot  of  politically  moderate  in  Washington  Township,  its  ground  game,  up  from  paychecks are larger. I like
            closely contested congres-   people  in  places  like  Ma-  is  leading  the  GOP  field,  barely 5 percent in 2015.  that,"  she  said.  "We  need-
            sional races that could help  comb  County,  plus  coax  while    former   legislative  Matt  Morrison,  director  of  ed  a  change  and  we  got
            swing  the  House,  where  more sporadic voters such  leader Gretchen Whitmer is  the  AFL-CIO-affiliated  or-      one."q
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