Page 9 - AM 15 AUGUSTUS,2015
P. 9
AWEMainta Diasabra, 15 Augustus 2015 9
i Guarda Costa
y Frances ex. 3:268 Civil Code of Aruba
dor di un avion Frances, RHIB di Guarda Costa THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 2015
sinembargo esaki tabata Hulandes.
hopi difisil pasobra e E FRISC di Royal Navy a On Thursday September 3, 2015, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of the
conductor di e jet ski tabata tow e jet ski. Hunto nan Chamber of Aruba, Irausquin Boulevard 10, Aruba, will be auctioned in public:
bisti na preto. a nabega p’e station di
E unidadnan a wordo dirigi Guarda Costa na Simpson 1. A residential house locally known as
n’e sitio y Guarda Costa Bay na St. Maarten, unda un
Frances tabata e prome cu a ambulance tabata warda. E SAVANETA 363
yega. Nan a subi e conductor tripulante di e jet ski a wordo
riba nan boto y despues el a trata eynan mes y a resulta standing on:
wordo traslada p’e Super- di ta den bon condicion. - a parcel of full ownership land, 832 m2 in size, situated at Savaneta in Aruba,
locally recorded as First Division Section E number 2280;
- a parcel of full ownership land, 54 m2 in size, situated at Savaneta in Aruba,
locally recorded as First Division Section E number 2281;
- a parcel of full ownership land, 5 m2 in size, situated at Savaneta in Aruba,
locally recorded as First Division Section E number 2282;
- a parcel of full ownership land, 114 m2 in size, situated at Savaneta in Aruba,
locally recorded as First Division Section E number 2283.
Starting bid: Afl. 190.000,--
2. A residential house locally known as
standing on a parcel of public land, 203 m2 in size, situated at Mabon in Aruba, as further
described in cadastral measure document No. 435-1998. The lease rights will expire on
April 27, 2059.
Starting bid: Afl. 122.000,--
3. A residential house locally known as
standing on a parcel of public land, 568 m2 in size, situated at Balashi in Aruba,
cadastrally known as First Department Section U number 103.
Starting bid: Afl. 184.800,--
Auction notary: mr. T.R. Johnson
The auction is subject to the general conditions for foreclosure auctions and special auction
conditions which will be determined by acting civil law notary T.R. Johnson.These auction
conditions are available for inspection at the office of the aforementioned acting civil law notary
situated at Italiestraat 50 units 10 & 10-A, Aruba.
The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and by decreasing bids (in
Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session. Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole
All auction costs are for the account of the buyer, which costs include: transfer tax, registration
fees cadaster, the outstanding long lease fees and property taxes for execution of the necessary
notarial deeds, other auction costs (rent of auction room, bailiff fees, cancellation of liens and
mortgages, advertisements), and the costs to have the property vacated, if necessary.
The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
A private written bid can be submitted at said office until August 19, 2015, 5 PM.
Each bidder must be able to submit a bank-guarantee issued by
a reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid
increased with an amount equal to the auction costs.
For more information please contact:
Mr. Berry Weijers or Ms. Chamila Tromp
Italiestraat 50 - Units 10 & 10-A tel.# 280 9950 – fax # 280 9949
email: -