Page 19 - MIN.TTC 28 NOV,2015
P. 19
LOCALSaturday 28 November 2015
Tonight from 6pm to 10pm:
Paseo Herencia Mall to Host Pop-Up Art Fair ‘Korteweg’
NOORD - Paseo Herencia street that runs perpen- in rents, mortgages, and
Mall in Palm Beach, Aruba dicular to the Main Street associated costs of serv-
will play host to a special in the heart of Oranjestad, ing their food in brick and
edition of Aruba’s Pop-Up the event is a pop-up art mortar establishments,
Art Fair event Korteweg, fair that traditionally takes these pop-up galleries al-
TONIGHT, Saturday, No- place on the last Friday of low artists the opportunity
vember 28, from 6pm to the month on a bi- monthly to showcase their work in
10pm. The event will fea- basis. Imagine a scene of an up-close and personal
ture local arts and crafts, funky cum bohemian with setting instead of waiting
local drinks and snacks, a dash of island cool and for an invitation to exhibit
and music by Wine It Up. you have Korteweg, the in a traditional gallery. The
Traditionally held on newest and coolest hap- Korteweg events are the
Korteweg, a short narrow pening on island! perfect setting for local art-
For TONIGHT, the Korteweg ists to sell their handmade
team has gone mobile arts and crafts to the pub-
and moved their event to lic. These include creations
Paseo Herencia Mall from with reclaimed wood and
6pm to 10pm, for island natural materials such as
guests and locals to enjoy shells, rocks, driftwood,
while shopping and stroll- stones and coconuts, as
ing along the High Rise re- well as other unique artistic
sort area. treasures.
A trending cultural phe- Aptly called “Korteweg”
nomenon in cities like after the street it is tradi-
London, New York, and tionally held on, the initia-
Chicago, these tempo- tive is a collaboration of
rary art galleries such as local artists, with Cado De
Korteweg, allow artists the Lannoy at the helm.
ability to curate their works To keep up with the art-
with minimal investment. ists and the next Korteweg
Much like many talented pop-up art gallery event,
chefs in the U.S. are turn- you can follow them on their
ing to food trucks in lieu Facebook page”Korteweg
of expensive investments Art Gallery.”q