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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Trump Rejects Criticism of His Proposal to Ban Muslims
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a campaign rally in Davenport, Iowa. Trump on Tuesday stood by
his call to block all Muslims from entering the United States, even as the idea was widely condemned as un-American.
(AP Photo/Charlie Neibergall)
JILL COLVIN oted, unconstitutional and in support of religious free- oric that some Mexican im-
BRUCE SMITH potentially dangerous for dom. Even Harry Potter au- migrants, who entered the
Associated Press American interests abroad. thor J.K. Rowling weighed country illegally, are drug
MOUNT PLEASANT, South British Prime Minister David in, decrying Trump on smugglers and rapists —
Carolina (AP) — Repub- Cameron, breaking the Twitter as worse than her but even that didn’t evoke
lican presidential candi- custom of British leaders fictional villain Lord Volde- the same widespread level
date Donald Trump’s call not commenting on U.S. mort. “This is not conserva- of contempt.
to block Muslims from en- presidential contenders, tism,” Republican House The billionaire businessman
tering the United States is slammed it as “divisive, Speaker Paul Ryan told re- and former reality television
being met with a chorus of unhelpful and quite simply porters after a closed-door star has maintained his lead
near-universal condemna- wrong.” U.N. spokesman Republican caucus meet- in early opinion surveys,
tion from across the coun- Farhan Haq said Secre- ing. “What was proposed despite the controversies,
try and around the globe. tary-General Ban Ki-moon yesterday is not what this vexing his Republican rivals
From the halls of Congress denounced “any kind of party stands for, and more and alarming a Republican
to 10 Downing Street, rhetoric that relies on Is- importantly it’s not what establishment in panic over
Trump’s statement Mon- lamophobia, xenophobia, this country stands for.” the damage they fear he’s
day advocating a “total any other appeal to hate Trump’s campaign has doing to a deeply divided
and complete shutdown of any groups.” The Church been marked by a pat- party.
Muslims entering the United of Jesus Christ of Latter-day tern of inflammatory state- Continued on Page 3
States” was blasted as big- Saints issued a statement ments, dating back to rhet-