Page 37 - ATA
P. 37
Monday 2 october 2017
Special Guests Honored at the Marriott Surf Club
PALM BEACH - Recently visits to Aruba!
the Aruba Tourism Author- The honorees are loyal
ity had the great pleasure members of the Marriott
of honoring a group of very Surf Club and they say they
special guests as Distin- love Aruba very much be-
guished Visitors at the Mar- cause of the friendly peo-
riott Surf Club. The symbolic ple, the climate, beaches,
honorary title is presented restaurants, relaxation and
in the name of the Min- being on Aruba and stay-
ister of Tourism as tokens ing at the Marriott Surf Club
of appreciation to guests is like being home for them!
who visit Aruba for 10-to-19 The certificates were pre-
consecutive years. sented by Ms. Emely Rid-
derstaat representing the
The honorees were Mr. Aruba Tourism Author-
John and Mrs. Barbara Ju- ity together with Executive
lian, Mr. Robert and Mrs. Administrative Assistant to
Renee Bladek, and Mr. Billy the General Manager Ms.
Tyler and Ms. Vanessa Wil- Jenny Boekhoudt and Mr.
liams, all celebrating 10-or- John van der Linden from
more consecutive annual the Marriott Surf Club.q