P. 46
Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
Political Carnival in the Streets of Aruba
Political party POR had a stage with entertainment.
The AVP parade.
elect a new government.
The law states that from
6pm Thursday evening to
6am Saturday morning NO
alcohol will be sold on the
island to locals. The local
population will be out in the
streets on their way to the
voting locations, so there
will most probably be more Supporter of the MEP party.
traffic than usual.
Political system
Aruba has a multi-party sys-
tem, with two or three strong
The police worked hard to direct the traffic. parties and a third party
ORANJESTAD - In case you rade at 6 pm last Saturday. that is electorally success-
ful. The Head of State is an
planned to go for a relaxed Political party MEP, recog-
drive around the island last nizable by the color yellow, inherited monarchy with a
governor appointed by the
Sunday, you might have dedicated time to collect
been disappointed. Well, it funds for the victims of hurri- Dutch Monarch. Historical-
ly, Aruba has been part of
depends on how you look cane Irma at Sint Maarten.
at it, as being stuck in a the Netherlands Antilles, a
huge traffic jam caused Friday Election Day six island federation, which
by a political parade is in- Coming Friday is an impor- also included Bonaire, Cu-
deed ‘connecting with the tant day at the island. Vot- raçao, St.Maarten, Saba Supporter of the AVP party.
locals’. ers in Aruba go to the polls and St. Eustatius On Janu- within the Kingdom of the political and defense ties
on 22 September 2017 to ary 1st, 1986, Aruba be- Netherlands, but still has with Holland and her ‘sister’
Aruba’s ruling political par- came a separate entity strong economic, cultural, islands.q
ty AVP organized an enor-
mous parade of motorized
vehicles through the streets
of Aruba. The giant green
traffic line colored the
streets and filled the air with
music and honking sounds.
Not only had the ‘green
party’ made herself seen
out there. The blue-colored
party POR started her pa-