Page 16 - ATD 17OCT,2015
P. 16


LOCALSaturday 17 October 2015

Loyal Guest Honored at the Tropicana Aruba Resort & Casino!

PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Au-       Aruba for 10-to-19 consecutive years. The hon-    like a second home where the people are like
thority had the great pleasure of honoring a      oree was Ms. Cheryl Ellenbogen from New York.     family to her, and the Tropicana Aruba is truly
very loyal and friendly visitor of Aruba at the   Cheryl is a loyal guest of the Tropicana Aruba    her ‘home-away-from-home.’ The certificate
Tropicana Aruba Resort & Casino as a Distin-      Resort & Casino and she loves Aruba very much     was presented by Ms. Marouska Heyliger rep-
guished Visitor. The symbolic honorary title is   because of the friendly people, the weather,      resenting the Aruba Tourism Authority together
presented in the name of the Minister of Tourism  the beaches, the restaurants, the Casinos, and    with family and friends from the Tropicana Re-
as a token of appreciation to guests who visit    just about everything else! She says Aruba feels  sort & Casino. Congratulations!q
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