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On Top Of The News website: Tel:+297 582-7800 Friday, April 8, 2016

On the

A Donald Trump supporter is hoisted up holding an American flag as the group faced off with Trump protesters, near the site of a campaign appearance by the
Republican presidential candidate in Bethpage, N.Y.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            (AP Photo/Craig Ruttle)

 Trump Shakes Up Team as All Campaigns Shift to New York 

Associated Press              announced Thursday that    Trump’s loss this week in     also signals a less prominent  requires someone familiar
NEW YORK (AP) — Repub-        veteran operative Paul     Wisconsin to rival Ted Cruz,  role for campaign man-         with the complexities in-
lican presidential front-     Manafort would be tak-     which makes it increasingly   ager Corey Lewandowski,        volved in the final stages,”
runner Donald Trump is        ing on an expanded cam-    unlikely that Trump will be   who recently was charged       Trump said in a statement.
strengthening his team and    paign role as chances      unable to collect the 1,237   with simple battery over       Manafort has worked on
refocusing on New York        grow of the Republican     delegates needed to win       an incident with a female      conventions for Presidents
after tactical failures have  nomination being decided   the nomination before the     reporter in Florida. Lewan-    Gerald Ford, Ronald Rea-
raised doubts about his       by a contested party con-  national Republican con-      dowski says he’s innocent.     gan and George H.W. Bush.
campaign operation.           vention.                   vention. The addition of      “The nomination process
The billionaire’s campaign    The move comes after       Manafort to Trump’s team      has reached a point that             Continued on Page 4
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