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                                                                                                                                                  Friday 8 April 2016

Report: 4 ‘credible’ sex abuse allegations against Hastert 

                                                                             stopped making the pay-       ously reported that Hastert   ing his deteriorating health
                                                                             ments in 2014 after the FBI   wanted to hide claims he      and the steep price they
                                                                             questioned him about the      sexually molested some-       say he has already paid in
                                                                             large cash withdrawals.       one.                          shame and disgrace. Hast-
                                                                             Keys aspects of the case      Recent court documents        ert is apologetic and “over-
                                                                             have been shrouded in         indicated that Individual D   whelmed by the guilt” of
                                                                             secrecy, starting with the    is leaning toward testifying  what he has done, the pa-
                                                                             May 28, 2015, indictment.     at the Republican’s sen-      pers said, though the docu-
                                                                             The seven-page document       tencing but has agonized      ments offer no details of his
                                                                             only vaguely hints at Hast-   over a final decision.        actions.
                                                                             ert’s motivations for break-  In papers filed Wednesday,    Prosecutors are expected
                                                                             ing banking law.              Hastert’s lawyers asked       to seek at least some prison
                                                                             The Associated Press and      a judge to spare Hastert      time this week when they
                                                                             other media outlets, citing   time behind bars and give     file their own sentencing
                                                                             unnamed sources, previ-       him probation instead, cit-   papers.q

Former U.S. House Speaker Dennis Hastert arrives at the federal
courthouse in Chicago. The Chicago Tribune is citing uniden-
tified law enforcement sources as saying at least four people
have made “credible allegations of sexual abuse” against Hast-

                                            (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

CHICAGO (AP) — At least          at Yorkville High School,
four people have made            where Hastert worked as
“credible allegations of         a teacher and wrestling
sexual abuse” against for-       coach from 1965 to 1981.
mer  U.S. House Speaker          Individual A and Individual
Dennis Hastert, the Chica-       D, the Tribune said, were
go Tribune reported Thurs-       popular standout athletes
day, citing unidentified law     in Yorkville from well-known
enforcement sources.             families.
The newspaper reported           Reinboldt’s sister, Jolene
that it had determined the       Burdge, has told the AP
identities of three accusers,    that her brother told her
all of them men whose alle-      his first homosexual experi-
gations relate to when they      ence was with Hastert and
were teenagers and Hast-         that the sexual abuse last-
ert was their coach in Illi-     ed throughout his time at
nois. One of them is dead.       Yorkville. Reinboldt died in
The other two accusers           1995.
have been described in           Hastert, 74, was the longest-
court documents only as          serving Republican speak-
Individual A and Individual      er of the House. He retired
D. Individual A declined to      from Congress in 2007 after
make any comment when            running the chamber for
approached by the news-          eight years.
paper. Individual D spoke        He is scheduled to be
privately to the newspaper,      sentenced April 27. He
according to the Tribune.        pleaded guilty last year
The newspaper did not            to violating banking laws
name any of the men who          while seeking to pay $3.5
are still alive, and it said it  million to ensure Individ-
did not know the identity of     ual A stayed quiet about
the fourth accuser.              unspecified past miscon-
The now-deceased accus-          duct by Hastert against
er named by the Tribune          that person. According to
had been named previous-         court documents, Hastert
ly by The Associated Press       managed to pay $1.7 mil-
as Stephen Reinboldt, a          lion to Individual A in lump
team equipment manager           sums of $100,000 cash and
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