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  WORLD NEWSFriday 8 April 2016

Siege tactics complicate fight for key IS-held Iraqi town 

Elite counter terrorism forces transport women and children fleeing their homes during clashes                              sualties.                        Iraq’s second-largest city
between Iraqi security forces and Islamic State group in Hit, 85 miles west of Baghdad, Iraq.                               Six counterterrorism bat-        that also is held by the ex-
                                                                                                                            talions pushed up from the       tremist group.
                                                                                                (AP Photo/Khalid Mohammed)  west last weekend to cut off     As Iraqi forces closed in
                                                                                                                            Hit’s northern edge, zigzag-     on Hit, al-Asadi said he
S. GEORGE                      Gen. Abdel Ghani al-Asa-        group in 2014.                                               ging in the soft desert ter-     ordered the town’s main
Associated Press               di, the commander of the        While the decision may                                       rain and taking more than        bridge over the Euphrates
HIT, Iraq (AP) — As they       elite troops, chose a dif-      have been more time-con-                                     12 hours to advance only a       River destroyed by a co-
advanced on the Islamic        ferent approach: Surround       suming, allowing the mili-                                   few kilometers (miles).          alition airstrike to slow the
State-held town of Hit, Iraqi  the strategic western town      tants in Hit to dig in, lay de-                              “We don’t want them to be        flight of IS fighters. In the
counterterrorism troops        with a slow and methodi-        fenses and launch attacks                                    able to flee,” al-Asadi said,    days that followed, doz-
had to decide how to press     cal cordon, trapping the        that initially also trapped                                  referring to the IS fighters.    ens of boats IS used were
the attack. If they stormed    extremists inside.              tens of thousands of civil-                                  “We want them to stay in-        also destroyed by coalition
in with armor and airstrikes,  It’s a tactic that’s been       ians, Iraqi forces believe                                   side so we can finish them.”     bombs, the Pentagon said.
they risked heavy casual-      used elsewhere to claw          the approach is a key to                                     If the militants escaped,        In the initial stage of the
ties and might allow the       back Iraqi territory that was   making their territorial gains                               he said, they would prob-        operation last month, some
militants to flee.             seized by the Islamic State     stick and reduce their ca-                                   ably return and infiltrate       IS militants sought to knit
                                                                                                                            the town once his men had        themselves further into the
                                                                                                                            moved on to the next bat-        civilian fabric of the town.
                                                                                                                            tle. Hit, in Anbar province      Fighters vanished from Hit’s
                                                                                                                            west of the capital of Bagh-     main streets, occupying
                                                                                                                            dad, sits along an IS supply     abandoned houses or forc-
                                                                                                                            line that links Iraqi territory  ing their way into homes
                                                                                                                            controlled by the extremist      where civilians were still liv-
                                                                                                                            group with its base in Syria.    ing, according to residents
                                                                                                                            Officials in the Iraqi military  who evacuated.
                                                                                                                            and the U.S.-led coalition       “They began moving more
                                                                                                                            fighting IS believe that by      and more into the narrow
                                                                                                                            clearing the town, they can      side streets and the civil-
                                                                                                                            build on recent territorial      ian areas,” one resident
                                                                                                                            gains in the vast province.      told The Associated Press,
                                                                                                                            That would move them             speaking on condition of
                                                                                                                            closer to two major goals:       anonymity in order to pro-
                                                                                                                            isolating the IS-held city of    tect the safety of relatives
                                                                                                                            Fallujah, 40 miles (65 kilo-     still trapped in Hit.
                                                                                                                            meters) west of Baghdad,         Al-Asadi said his men were
                                                                                                                            and linking up government        increasingly finding fight-
                                                                                                                            forces in the west and the       ers from the Islamic State
                                                                                                                            north in preparation for an      group posing as civilian
                                                                                                                            eventual push on Mosul,          refugees.

IS abducts dozens of workers near Damascus, fighting worsens 

ZEINA KARAM                    rebel fighters wrested con-     crete or real beginning of a                                 miles (45 kilometers) north-     thorities had told the com-
SARAH EL DEEB                  trol of a northern border       political transition.”                                       east of Damascus, where          pany to refrain from com-
Associated Press               town, potentially undermin-     Speaking to reporters in                                     militants launched a sur-        menting on the abduction.
BEIRUT (AP) — In a brazen      ing IS supply lines across the  Geneva, Staffan de Mistu-                                    prise attack against gov-        “The situation is not easy
assault near the Syrian cap-   border with Turkey and en-      ra said he was encouraged                                    ernment forces earlier this      at all,” she told The Asso-
ital, Islamic State militants  dangering one of its most       by the fact that a partial                                   week. The state-run news         ciated Press. There was no
abducted 300 cement            important strongholds in        cease-fire has largely held                                  agency SANA quoted a             formal responsibility claim
workers and contractors        Aleppo province.                since going into effect Feb.                                 source in the company as         for the kidnapping, but the
from their workplace north-    The U.N. special envoy for      27, despite a series of wor-                                 saying there had been no         IS-linked Aamaq agency
east of Damascus on Thurs-     Syria, meanwhile, said the      risome incidents that con-                                   success in efforts to estab-     posted a video showing
day, as fighting against the   next round of peace talks       tinue to happen on a daily                                   lish contact with the work-      the deserted cement fac-
extremist group raged in       in Geneva was expected          basis. State TV said Thurs-                                  ers. At the factory head-        tory, located near a military
the country’s north ahead      to start next week, around      day’s mass abduction of                                      quarters in Damascus, a          air base. The video showed
of a new round of peace        April 13, and would focus       workers from the al-Badia                                    spokeswoman declined             what appeared to be a
talks. In a blow to the Is-    on a political process he       Cement Company took                                          to discuss the kidnapped         Syrian soldier lying on the
lamic militants, however,      hopes will lead to a “con-      place in Dumeir, about 28                                    workers’ fate, saying au-        ground, apparently dead.
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