Page 12 - Aruba Today
P. 12
WORLD NEWSFriday 8 April 2016
Venezuela orders long weekends to help power crisis Caribbean Briefs
HANNAH DREIER for 60 days — and he urged I have.” Bolivar. If water levels fall Canadian retiree
Associated Press his compatriots to increase Officials have been warn- slain in Dominican
CARCAS, Venezuela (AP) other efforts to save power, ing for weeks that the water too low, the government Republic robbery
— Public employees in even recommending that level behind the nation’s
will have to shut down the SANTO DOMINGO, Domini-
can Republic (AP) — Au-
dam entirely, crippling thorities in the Dominican
Republic say a Canadian
electricity supply. retiree has been killed in
an apparent robbery and
Maduro*s socialist adminis- two local men have been
arrested as suspects. A
tration blames the crisis on statement from police in
the beach town of Sosua
a drought caused by the says Leo Frank Boulanger
was killed in an apartment
El Nino weather phenome- he had rented for three
month with his Dominican
non and acts of sabotage girlfriend. The body of the
75-year-old from Winni-
by its opponents. peg was found earlier this
week. Police say the men
But experts say rationing arrested Wednesday had
the victim’s cellphone and
could have been prevent- other belongings and con-
fessed to killing him in the
ed had the government course of robbing him and
trying to get his bank code.
invested in maintenance The killing of Boulanger fol-
lows by two weeks that of
and in the construction of a German visitor to Sosua,
76-year-old Ernst-Gunter
thermoelectric plants. Haun, also in a robbery.
Venezuela has grappled Dominican charged
in 2012 rape, killing
with blackouts for years, of Taiwan diplomat
including one that took SANTO DOMINGO, Domini-
can Republic (AP) — Au-
President Nicolas Maduro thorities in the Dominican
Republic say they have
by surprise as he delivered charged a man with rap-
ing, stabbing and stran-
a national address on live gling a Taiwanese diplo-
mat four years ago.
television. Caracas oc- Police said Tuesday that
52-year-old handyman Ju-
casionally shuts down be- lio Cesar Arias was arrest-
ed in the case following a
cause of citywide losses of DNA match. Authorities
said more than 80 people
power and some rural ar- underwent DNA testing as
part of the investigation.
eas are living mostly in the Julia Ou was found dead
in her apartment in April
Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro speaks in Caracas, Venezuela. Maduro announced this dark. 2012 in the capital of Santo
week that he would sign a decree giving state workers Fridays off for 60 days in the government’s Domingo. Police said Arias
latest bid to ease a nationwide power crisis. Maduro’s predecessor occasionally worked as a
house painter in the build-
(AP Photo/Fernando Llano) President Hugo Chavez ing where the 55-year-old
diplomat lived by herself.
promised to solve the prob-
lem in 2010, but little has im-
Venezuela will take long women use their fingers largest dam has fallen to proved. Opponents of the
weekends under the gov- rather than hairdryers to do near its minimum operat-
ernment’s latest bid to ease their hair. ing level. Almost 70 percent socialist administration said
a nationwide power crisis. “I always think a woman of the South American
President Nicolas Maduro looks better when she just country*s electricity comes the long weekend decree
announced this week that runs her fingers through her from the Guri Dam, which
he would sign a decree giv- hair and lets it dry natural- holds back the Caroni River would do little solve the
ing state workers Fridays off ly,” he said. “It’s just an idea in the southeastern state of
energy crunch. Electricity
here is virtually free, giving
Venezuelans little incentive
to conserve.
Brazils congressman said to have received $5.1M
SAO PAULO (AP) — More Brazilian reals and turned Both Rousseff and Silva company. He’s denied any
than $5 million in over- the money over to his part- have denied knowing wrongdoing. Meirelles said
seas bank deposits ap- ner, Alberto Youssef, who about the scheme. he received the $5.1 million
parently were earmarked told him it was for Eduardo Cunha is the driving force from Julio Camargo, a con-
for the speaker of Brazil’s Cunha. behind the impeachment victed former consultant to
lower house of congress, Last year, Youssef turned process against Rousseff Petrobras who has been
who’s leading an effort to state’s evidence and told and is second in line to suc- sentenced to more than 20
impeach President Dilma lawmakers that Rousseff ceed her should she be years in jail for his involve-
Rousseff, a black market and her predecessor, for- forced to step down. ment in the corruption
money dealer said Thurs- mer President Luiz Inacio The speaker is facing scheme. He was charged
day. Lula da Silva, knew of the money-laundering charg- with corruption and money
Leonardo Meirelles told sprawling corruption kick- es in connection with laundering and has been
the Chamber of Deputies’ back scheme that has en- the scheme at Petrobras allowed to remain free
Ethics Committee that he gulfed state-run oil compa- where bribes were paid to pending the outcome of
converted $5.1 million into ny Petrobras. win contracts from the oil his appeal.