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P. 16


     LOCALFriday 8 April 2016

At Tierra del Sol, on Saturday April 9th
The Much Anticipated, 11th Annual Wente Vineyards - Papiamento Restaurant
Golf Tournament Will Unfold, Raising Funds for The Aruba Autism Foundation!

ORANJESTAD - Arion Wine           as co-sponsor. Together       trip ticket to San Francisco   clones. As a matter of         Noir, just like the single
Company who annually              with Arion Wine Company                                      fact, 80% of California’s      vineyard Riva Ranch
organizes the exciting            they pick the charity of      to play Golf at prestigious    Chardonnay grapes may          Chardonnay, in an effort
tournament reports that           choice each year and                                         be traced to the Wente         to reach out and expand
Eric Wente, of Wente              devote many months to         Wente Vineyards, in            Clone. “It’s a continual       their portfolio of wines with
Vineyards, will assume            ironing out all details, and                                 evolution,” says fifth         an elegant expression of
his traditional role as golf      perfecting the experience,    Livermore Valley.              generation Winegrower          the finest grapes.
tournament host. He arrives       at the cocktail party and                                    and Winemaker Karl D.          About the Autism
today on the island with          on the golf course.           The Wente family has been      Wente, “as we drive to         Foundation:
his wife, in order to play in     April 9th, at 12noon,a                                       be the best farmer we          This foundation is the only
the tournament and also           shot gun start will get the   growing quality grapes         can be …. Making wines         organization on the island
participate in a series of        tournament playing on the                                    that are emblematic to         that works specifically in
related events, designed          fabulous 18-hole course       for over 133 years, and        the Livermore Valley and       the interest of people with
to raise funds for an island      designed by Robert Trent                                     Arroyo Seco, taking the fruit  autism, their families and
charity, promoting his            Jones, Jr., followed by a     making   world-famous          and crating a style of wine    caretakers. The intention
world famous brand here.          soup buffet, as players                                      that is ultimately yummy.”     of this foundation is to
One of Eric Wente’s favorite      conclude their competition    wines, especially a best-      As part of their evolutionary  stimulate integration within
educational opportunities         rounds.                                                      journey Wente Vineyards        society and improve
is his encounter with EPI         After tabulating the          selling Chardonnay, in
students, which will again        results, Oliver Riding and                                   has changed its Pinot Noir     quality of life to those
take place in the afternoon       James Kiley of Tierra del     their historic California      Reliz Creek recently to a      affected by this condition.
of April 7th. As America’s first  Sol will be announcing the                                   single vineyard wine now       April is National Autism
family of wine, the Wente’s       winner. The first prize for   vineyards. The Wentes          called Riva Ranch Pinot        Awareness Month.q
contributions to the wine         the tournament is a round
industry in California                                          were a pioneer in releasing
are many, and Eric who
directs the company’s                                           the nation’s first varietally
diverse operation likes to
share his knowledge and                                         labeled  Chardonnay,
his vast experience with
the younger generation,                                         a 1936 vintage. Ernest
at the Aruba Secondary
Vocational School.                                              Wente, second generation
The Ellis family, of the
Papiamento restaurant,                                          wine maker, selected vines
has long been associated
with the Wente Golf                                             that showed favorable
Tournament, and is much
involved in its organization,                                   traits, and re-planted them

                                                                to establish the Wente

                                                                Clone of Chardonnay;

                                                                there are currently two

                                                                Wente    Chardonnay
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21