Page 20 - min.jus 16 nov,2015
P. 20
WORLD NEWSMonday 16 November 2015
Israel arrests Palestinian suspect in killing of 2 Israelis
JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Bank city, has been a flash- Israeli border police officers secure the site of an attempted stabbing attack outside Damascus
forces have arrested a Pal- point in the current blood- Gate in Jerusalem’s Old City. Israeli forces have arrested a Palestinian suspect in a drive-by shoot-
estinian suspect in a drive- shed. Several hundred ing that killed two Israelis in the West Bank, the internal Shin Bet security service said Sunday.
by shooting that killed two Jewish settlers live in forti-
Israelis in the West Bank, the fied enclaves in the city, (AP Photo/Ariel Schalit)
internal Shin Bet security amid tens of thousands of
service said Sunday. Palestinians.
It said forces also seized Israel closed entrances to
a weapon and a vehicle Hebron and arrested 20
used in the shooting, and suspects in the area while
that the suspect admitted searching for the shooter
to involvement in Friday’s over the weekend.
attack, which killed a rabbi The shooting Friday was
and his son as they were the latest escalation in two
driving with family south of months of Palestinian at-
the city of Hebron. It was tacks, mainly stabbings,
not clear when the suspect which have killed 14 Israe-
was detained. lis. At least 81 Palestinians
The attack was the latest have been killed, of whom
in a wave of violence in Israel says 51 were involved
which Palestinian assaults in assaults. The rest were
on Israeli civilians and sol- killed in clashes with secu-
diers have become an al- rity forces.
most daily occurrence. At the funeral for the two
Hebron, the largest West shooting victims on Satur-
day, Israeli President Re- people, against those who later arrested five Palestin-
uven Rivlin compared the murder in cold-blood,” Riv- ians it said were part of a
assault with the Friday at- lin said. Hamas cell that carried out
tacks that killed 129 people The drive-by shooting Friday the attack.
in Paris. recalled an attack in early The current violence be-
“Whether in Paris or Hebron, October, when Palestin- gan in mid-September with
Jerusalem or New York, we ian gunmen killed an Israeli clashes in and around a
must fight a bitter and stub- couple traveling with their sensitive Jerusalem holy
born struggle against those four children in the north- site revered by Muslims and
who massacre innocent ern West Bank. The Shin Bet Jews.q
Syrian legislator praises plan to end war
ALBERT AJI many points that “run in government that would
BASSEM MROUE harmony” with Assad’s po- set a schedule for draft-
Associated Press sition that combatting “ter- ing a new constitution and
DAMASCUS, Syria (AP) — rorism” should be a priority. holding a free and fair U.N.-
A Syrian legislator praised Ossi called the plan “a vic- supervised election within
parts of an international tory for Syrian policy and 18 months, according to a
plan for ending Syria’s con- diplomacy.” Foreign minis- joint statement released by
flict on Sunday, saying el- ters from about 20 nations the United Nations on be-
ements of it are similar to agreed in Vienna on Sat- half of the 19 parties to the
those of President Bashar urday to an ambitious yet talks. U.S.-Russian disputes
Assad’s government even incomplete plan that sets a on what, if any role, Assad
as an opposition figure Jan. 1 deadline for the start should play in any transi-
said all regional and world of negotiations between tion remained after Satur-
powers appear to be con- Assad’s government and day’s meeting in Vienna,
vinced that Assad must go. opposition groups. although U.S. Secretary of
Lawmaker Omar Ossi, who Within six months, the ne- State John Kerry and Rus-
heads parliament’s na- gotiations between the sian Foreign Minister Sergey
tional reconciliation com- Syrian sides are to estab- Lavrov played them down
mittee, told The Associat- lish “credible, inclusive and as they focused on the
ed Press that the plan has non-sectarian” transitional progress made.q