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                                                                                                  BUSINESS Friday 11 december 2020
            Across U.S. and Europe, pandemic's grip on economies tightens

            By CHRISTOPHER RUGABER                                                                                              to  data  from  Opportunity
            AP Economics Writer                                                                                                 Insights,  a  research  center
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The                                                                                            affiliated with Harvard and
            worsening of the viral pan-                                                                                         Brown  universities,  spend-
            demic  across  the  United                                                                                          ing  on  debit  and  credit
            States and Europe is threat-                                                                                        cards — a critical barome-
            ening their economies and                                                                                           ter of growth — sank nearly
            intensifying   pressure   on                                                                                        12% in the week that end-
            governments  and  central                                                                                           ed Nov. 29 compared with
            banks  on  both  continents                                                                                         a year earlier. That marked
            to intervene aggressively.                                                                                          a sharp drop from the pre-
            In  a  worrisome  sign  of  the                                                                                     vious  week,  when  such
            harm  the  virus  is  inflicting                                                                                    spending  was  down  just
            in the U.S, the government                                                                                          2.3% from 12 months earlier.
            said  Thursday    that  the                                                                                         And last week's jump in job-
            number of Americans seek-                                                                                           less claims ranged broadly.
            ing  unemployment  ben-                                                                                             New  applications  surged
            efits  jumped  last  week  to                                                                                       more than 47,000 in Califor-
            853,000  —  the  most  since                                                                                        nia, 31,000 in Illinois, 17,000
            September.  The  surge  in                                                                                          in  New  York  and  13,000  in
            jobless  claims  made  clear                                                                                        Georgia. Many states, par-
            that  many  companies  are                                                                                          ticularly  California,  have
            still  shedding  workers  as                                                                                        adopted  sweeping  new
            states  reimpose  business                                                                                          restrictions  on  business  ac-
            shutdowns  and  consumers                                                                                           tivity. But even some states
            avoid  shopping,  traveling                                                                                         that   generally   haven't
            or dining out.               The electronic screen at the Nasdaq MarketPlace displays the Airbnb co-founders Brian Chesky,   imposed  stricter  rules  on
            Consumers thus far haven't   top, Joe Gebbia, left, and Nathan Blecharczyk, right, Thursday, Dec. 10, 2020, in New York.   businesses  reported  sharp
            spent as much this holiday                                                                         Associated Press  increases  in  jobless  claims
            shopping  season  as  they                                                                                          last  week.  In  Texas,  for  ex-
            have in previous years, ac-  announce  other  moves,  One disturbing sign in Thurs-    July. And his current unem-  ample,  they  jumped  by
            cording to credit and debit  such as shifting more of its  day's  report  on  jobless  ployment  aid  will  expire  in  nearly 20,000 to 45,000.
            card data, and last month  purchases  to  longer-term  claims  was  that  the  total  just over two weeks if it isn't  The  worsening  figures  may
            U.S. employers added jobs  bonds  to  try  to  further  cut  number of people who are  extended.                    partly  reflect  a  rebound
            at  the  slowest  pace  since  long-term  borrowing  rates  receiving   state-provided  McGraw, 26, lost his job as  after  applications  for  un-
            April. Restaurants, bars and  and  encourage  spending.  unemployment aid rose for  a cook at a Hilton Hotel in  employment  benefits  had
            retailers  all  cut  jobs  in  No-  But most analysts think the  the first time in three months  New  Orleans,  where  he  fallen during the Thanksgiv-
            vember.                      Fed  will  keep  that  step  in  — from 5.5 million to 5.8 mil-  lives, back in March just af-  ing  holiday  week.  Still,  the
            Responding to similar pres-  reserve.                     lion. The increase indicated  ter the virus erupted in the  increase  was  much  larger
            sures,  the  European  Cen-  Last  week,  the  number  of  that some companies have  United  States.  He  said  he's  than most economists had
            tral Bank announced Thurs-   Americans  who  applied  pulled back on hiring.           applied for 35 jobs without  expected.
            day that it will ramp up its  for jobless benefits jumped  AnnElizabeth  Konkel,  an  any  luck.  His  primary  work  All told, more than 19 million
            bond-buying  program  to  from 716,000 in the previous  economist at the job listing  experience  is  in  restau-   people are still dependent
            try  to  hold  down  longer-  week. Before the coronavi-  website  Indeed,  said  that  rants, few of which are hir-  on some type of unemploy-
            term  interest  rates  to  spur  rus paralyzed the economy  increase  was  particularly  ing.  It  will  be  even  harder  ment  benefit.  And  unless
            borrowing  and  spending.  in  March,  weekly  jobless  concerning because it sug-     to  search  for  work  without  Congress acts soon, nearly
            The ECB's action coincided  claims  typically  numbered  gested that the December  a car.                           half  of  them  will  lose  that
            with the highest single-day  only about 225,000.          jobs report, to be released  Most  of  the  available  jobs  aid in just over two weeks.
            viral death toll in Germany,  The surge in laid-off people  in  early  January,  could  he  sees  involve  trucking  That's when two jobless aid
            Europe's  largest  economy,  seeking  aid  could  raise  show  that  the  U.S.  econ-  or work on offshore oil rigs,  programs  that  the  federal
            and  the  shutdown  of  res-  pressure  on  Congress  and  omy  suffered  a  net  loss  of  which require certifications  government created in the
            taurants, bars, gyms, movie  the Trump administration to  jobs in a month for the first  he  can't  afford  to  obtain.  spring are set to expire.
            theaters  and  museums  in  agree on another financial  time since April.              McGraw  has  also  worked  The  first  program  provides
            France.                      aid package to bolster the  "Today's  report  is  the  first  with  an  advocacy  group,  unemployment   benefits
            The  coronavirus  "is  having  economy  through  what  is  overt signal of a backward  Stand Up Louisiana, in sup-  to  the  self-employed  and
            an  impact  on  consumers,  sure  to  be  a  financially  slide,"  Konkel  said.  "It's  evi-  port  of  extending  jobless  contract   workers,   who
            it is having a big impact on  painful winter for millions.   dent the labor market is still  benefits.              weren't eligible in the past.
            the labor force, it is having  A bipartisan group of sena-  in crisis."                "I  didn't  ask  for  this  —  no  The second program is the
            an  impact  on  businesses,"  tors  has  proposed  a  $908  One  of  the  jobless,  Mon-  one asked for this pandem-  one  that  extends  jobless
            said Gus Faucher, an econ-   billion package that would  trell  McGraw,  said  he  just  ic," he said. "I am trying to  aid for 13 weeks.
            omist  at  PNC  Financial.  extend two unemployment  had to cancel his car insur-      play  the  cards  I  am  dealt  With  a  coronavirus  vac-
            "There  are  reasons  to  be  benefit  programs  that  are  ance and now can't drive  with,  and  I  have  a  really  cine   nearing   approval,
            concerned."                  set  to  expire  Dec.  26  for  because  his  unemploy-   bad hand."                   many  economists  are  op-
            When  the  U.S.  Federal  Re-  an  additional  four  months.  ment benefit of just $222 a  He said he hopes that Con-  timistic  that  the  economy
            serve  meets  next  week,  it  Without such an extension,  week isn't enough to keep  gress will agree soon to ex-  will  rebound  strongly  next
            may provide more detailed  more  than  9  million  unem-  up with the payments. He is  tend jobless aid.            year.  But  most  warn  that
            guidance on how long it will  ployed workers  would lose  also behind on his rent.     "Maybe then I can get my  another  federal  financial
            continue its own bond-buy-   benefits,  making  it  even  He  managed  to  cover  all  car  insurance  back,"  he  relief  package  is  urgently
            ing  program,  which  could  harder  for  them  to  pay  his  bills  when  the  federal  said.                      needed  to  support  unem-
            reassure  markets  that  its  bills, buy food and keep up  government was providing  Across  the  U.S.  economy  ployed  workers,  small  busi-
            purchases  won't  end  any-  with rent or mortgage pay-   $600 a week in jobless aid.  are  widespread  signs  of  nesses and state and local
            time  soon.  The  Fed  could  ments.                      But that program ended in  sluggish growth. According  governments until then.q
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