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Friday 17 November 2017
Royal Power Tat Fat Home Depot wins the 2017 AA championship
ORANJESTAD –Royal Power had defeated Pizza Hut in between Balalshi Premium Henriquez’s hand. Kelvin Silvania was 4-4,
Tat Fat home was crowned a best of three series. The and Royal Premium. This Royal Power scored 28 runs Eldrick Dijkhoff 3-5 and an-
the AA League baseball Pizza Hut Monsters finished game marks the official on 23 hits, and had only 4 other budding star, barely
champions. Their oppo- the season as runner ups closing of the season. field ing errors. 15-years-old, Jeandrick
nent, the Pizza Hut Monsters for the fourth consecutive Jomark Flanegin Cham- Balashi Premium has 11 runs Croes went 3-5 but it was
was disqualified when they year. The decision for the pion Pitcher of the 2017 on 11 hits and also had 4 er- his diving catch in right
walked off the field trailing unsportsmanlike conduct season was hit hard, mean- rors. field tht brought him atten-
4-1 in the 5th inning. was due to Pizza Hut con- while relievers Jorge Santa- Jomark Flanegin, who tion. Aigil Brete went 3-6,
Each team had played a stant frustration with the na and Giancarlo Gomez was given the win, was re- Jomark Flanegin was 2-6
regular season of 20 games chief umpire’s, Sergio Lau- were gave up as many hits placed by Kelvin Silvania. with a homerun, Giandrick
with the top four teams rant, calls on the pitches. as well. In the 7th inning 16-year- Lacle 2-6, Guyon Cannister
earning a berth to the play- Last, Monday night in Flas- Srtarting pitcher Ricky Hen- Guyon Cannister took the 2-5 one homerun.
offs. tone Field in Piedra Plat the riquez left the game with a mound to close the game. Balashi Premuim’s Jorge
In the first round of the play- Aruba Softball Association broken hand when Eldrick Jorge Santana was the los- Santana was 2-3 and Elgi-
offs Royal Power Tat Fat (ASB) organized a Clash 4 Dijhoff’s line-drive broke ing pitcher. mar Lampe was 2-4.q
Pan American Beach Tennis Championship 2017
Sandmen: Venezuela’s men team takes home Pan Am title
By Nick Fishpool
For the first time at these
Championships we had
non-Brazilian title winners
in a pro event with Ali Col-
menares and Ramon Gue-
dez triumphing over their
compatriots Jorge Penal-
ver and Jesus Rodrigues in
the men’s doubles final.
This ended a run of four
years where the Brazilians
had made a clean sweep
of the men’s, women’s and
mixed titles at the pro level. Above: Ali Colmenaz and Ramon Guadez, of Venezuela, celebrating their victory in the men’s double final. Right: Brazilians
There was though contin- Joana Cortez and Rafaella Miiller after winning the womens’s doubles.
ued Brazilian success in the Cortez was also a winner The duo, competing in their came through 63 62. Team Champions back in
other events with Joana once again with Vinicius first ITF beach tennis event The juniors were also in ac- July, by capturing eight
Cortez keeping up her re- Font in the mixed-doubles were drawn against Ecua- tion again this year and of the available nine titles
markable feat of winning final. dor’s Andres Cabezas Ru- the future certainly looks across three age groups,
the women’s doubles title Championships newcom- bio, ranked within the Top bright for Venezuela with failing only in the Under-12
each year as, alongside ers, Bonaire, saw their 50, and his partner Xavier their young players cap- girl’s doubles which saw
Rafaella Miiller, she made players Jan and Mark Wa- Viteri and took five games ping a truly memorable Aruban players coming out
a successful defence of chtmeester put on a fine off their far more experi- year, which had already on top for the second year
the 2016 title. display. enced opponents who seen them crowned World running.q