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a8    local
                 Saturday 29 January 2022

            Elements Restaurant Present Aruba’s only Authentic Aruban & Caribbean Buffet

            A feast of traditional Aruban and Caribbean flavors and ingredients

            overlooking one of the most spectacular beaches in the world

            EAGLE BEACH — Elements Res-                                                                                 and cooks. Each chef or cook con-
            taurant,  located at Bucuti & Tara                                                                          centrates on making an authentic
            Beach Resort,  proudly reveals its                                                                          dish from their region,  highlight-
            Authentic  Aruban & Caribbean                                                                               ing the delightful palettes they re-
            Buffet, available every  Monday                                                                             member from infancy.” Chef Marc
            through Saturday from 12:30 PM to                                                                           explains.  “It is  also important to
            3:00 PM for $24.50 per person. On                                                                           us to support our local  farmers as
            Sundays  the restaurant continues                                                                           much as  possible.  Our assortment
            with its famous Sunday Brunch.                                                                              rotates to include ingredients that
                                                                                                                        are in season, and we source as
            “We wanted to create an authen-                                                                             much as  we can locally  or from
            tic Aruban menu that, with each                                                                             nearby regions.” 1 The award-win-
            bite, will  take you back-in-time  to                                                                       ning  and adults-only beachfront
            your childhood home. We  want                                                                               restaurant will also continue to of-
            you to relive  the nostalgic flavors                                                                        fer their regular a-la-carte menus,
            of the stews and desserts your par-                                                                         which cater to all dietary needs,
            ents and grandparents prepared.                                                                             including vegetarian, vegan, and
            For our international customers, we                                                                         gluten-free diets.
            want  them to enjoy a  traditional                                                                          Don’t forget that the restaurant
            and culturally  enrich dining expe-                                                                         also offers its ultra romantic private
            rience.”  Ewald Biemans, owner/                                                                             dinners for  two in one of their fa-
            CEO of Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort,                                                                          mous beach cabanas. Guests can
            explains.                                                                                                   enjoy their meal and a Caribbean
            Executive Chef Marc Giesbers, Di-                                                                           cocktail or  mocktail overlooking
            rector of Food and Beverage, and                                                                            the spectacular Eagle  Beach on
            his team of local & Caribbean chefs                                                                         Elements’ outdoor  seating deck.
            have been working hard and test-                                                                            Reservations are recommended
            ing out different dishes to reimag-                                                                         and be mindful that the restaurant
            ine  your lunch dining  experience.                                                                         does not seat groups larger than
            The rotating menu has everything                                                                            six persons and does not take cash
            from local cornbread  to polenta  jerk chicken, Caribbean seafood  lights this. Besides  our traditional  (all  major credit and debit cards
            sticks, plantains, corn patties, Aru-  paella, a pasta station, and a des-  local dishes made by our Aruban  are accepted).
            ban ceviche, seafood salad, sulz,  sert tasting of flan,  cashew  cake,  chefs and cooks, we also offer vari-
            pickled  pork, blood  sausage, cu-  local  fruit cake, and  much more!  ous Caribbean  dishes  created by  For reservations, please visit www.
            cumber or papaya stoba, beef or  “Our team is  incredibly  diverse,  our Jamaican, Dominican, Haitian, or call  +297
            chicken stews, fish or chicken soup,  and our  buffet assortment high-  Colombian, and Venezuelan chefs  583 1100.q
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