Page 2 - UTILITIES OCT 9, 2015
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LOCALFriday 9 October 2015
Four Energy Events October 26-31:
Utilities Aruba announces Aruba’s Sustainable Energy Week
ORANJESTAD - Utilities nitaries, experts and leg- Green Aruba VI (October nual summit on the topic of of, knowledge, informa-
Aruba N.V., together with islators. Director of Utilities 27th and 28th), the Eco- Energy Efficiency (October tion and best practices
WEB Aruba N.V. and NV Aruba NV, Franklin Hoever- nomic Commission for Lat- 29th and 30th), and the of- in the sustainable energy
ELMAR are proud to an- stz, together with Aruba’s in America and the Carib- ficial annual assembly of portfolio and the imple-
nounce Aruba’s Sustain- Prime Minister, Mike Eman bean’s (ECLAC) official an- the Commission for Mining mentation, technological
able Energy Week to take and Minister of Economic and Energy of the Latin advancements and inno-
place from October 26th Affairs, Communication, American Parliament (Oc- vation thereof. The core
to October 31st later this Energy and Environment, tober 30th and 31st). objective is to tackle the
month. The four events will Mike de Meza, announced The Aruba Learning Event, transitional steps toward
attract participation of lo- the Aruba Learning Event ECLAC meetings and those energy deriving from re-
cal and international dig- (October 26th and 27th), of Parlatino are closed for newable sources and re-
the general public how- sources, using clean and
ever Green Aruba VI is environmentally respon-
open for registration and sible methods. The topics
participation for the pub- will focus on the island (util-
lic at large, and moreover ity) model, and particularly
Green Aruba VI will bring on islands such as Aruba
the organizers and topics that belong to a group as
of all the events togeth- recognized by the United
er on one stage with the Nations as “Small Island
central theme of this year Developing States” or SIDS.
“Share Sustainability”. Green Aruba will be host-
The theme will target vari- ed this year at the Aruba
ous subtopics, however Marriott Resort & Stellaris
all directed towards shar- Casino on October 27th
ing, and the exchange and 28th.q