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                                                                                                                           Saturday 21 april 2018

            Unique Safety App

            for the workplace

            ORANJESTAD      /   NETHER-  ees.
            LANDS  -  The  introduction
            of  an  independent  smart-  How does it work?
            phone  application  for  re-  The  Safety  App  has  an  in-
            porting   unwanted     and  formal field, which provides
            transgressive  behavior  in  all   information   needed
            the  workplace  is  a  fact.  around  workplace  harass-
            Medwork  Aruba,  an  inter-  ment,  including  formalities
            national  company  that  of-  like what will happen when
            fers Corporate Health Solu-  I file a complaint as a victim
            tions, has agreed to adapt  or bystander. The personal
            this  application  for  Aruba,  and  secured  area  of  the
            Curacao, St. Eustatius, Saba  application is the field were
            and  Bonaire.  The  Safety  the  reporting  takes  place
            App  will  be  launched  by  and where employees can
            the foundation that will fully  document the incidents of
            commit  to  a  sustainable  the harassment itself, what
            work  environment  for  em-  type  and  form,  when  it
            ployees.                     happened,  by  whom,  any
                                         witnesses, etc. This informa-
            The idea for this App start-  tion can be used as burden
            ed  in  2015  by  the  founder  of  proof  for  the  investiga-
            of  the  organization  About  tion  when  necessary.  The
            Workplace      Harassment  reporting  employee  can
            (AWM), Karin Bosman from  choose  what  kind  of  sup-
            The  Netherlands.  She  was  port is needed. The follow-
            inspired by her own experi-  up is always handled by the
            ence with reporting sexual  right  persons  of  assistance
            harassment  and  after  two  and  medical/  confidential
            and half years of research  advisors,  service  agencies
            she  proudly  announces  (external) or health & safe-
            that  the  development  of  ty  services.  Integrity  and
            this  international  applica-  safety  is  guaranteed,  be-
            tion has started.            cause the employer has no
                                         influence on the complaint
            Protection                   procedure and the report-
            The  Safety  App  aims  to  ing  employees  are  always
            create a safe and healthy  in charge.
            workplace  for  all  employ-
            ees,  and  offers  the  possi-  Two-folded
            bility  to  report  unwanted  The  purpose  of  the  Safety
            behavior  directly  to  the  App  is  dual,  first  the  em-
            organization/  person  who  ployers will inform their em-
            can  provide  the  report-   ployees  about  workplace  completely       anonymous.
            ing   employee     (notifier/  harassment  and  how  to  With  a  sustainable  work
            reporter)  with  customized  file  a  complaint  about  un-  environment  organizations
            advice  and  help.  Not  one  wanted behavior, and with  will lower their costs on sick
            case of harassment stands  this they create a safe and  leave,  staff  turn-over  and
            on  its  own.  Besides  that,  healthy  work  environment.  productivity.
            the Safety App informs em-   Secondly  this  Safety  App  The  unique  Safety  App  is
            ployees  about  what  (un)   will  help  employers  by  de-  available in all possible lan-
            wanted  and  transgressive  fining the risk areas and fac-  guages, for the Caribbean
            behavior  is,  how  to  define  tors  of  their  organization.  this  will  be  Papiamento,
            it  (forms  and  areas),  rec-  With  a  yearly  or  6  months  English, Spanish and Dutch.
            ognize it and respond to it.  advisory  report  about  the
            With  sharing  accessible  in-  types  and  forms  of  the  Breaking Taboos
            formation  about  this  topic  complaints handled via the  For  Karin,  it  all  started  with
            and  the  consequences  of  Safety App, employers can  a  personal  experience  of
            non-responding  to  the  ha-  anticipate  and  improve  (sexual)  workplace  harass-
            rassment, the App also cre-  their  implemented  harass-  ment.
            ates  more  awareness  and  ment  policy.  Needless  to
            resilience  among  employ-   say, is that these reports are      Continued on Page 14
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