Page 22 - AWM 26AUG2017
P. 22

22                                                                                               AWEMainta Diasabra, 26 Augustus 2017

       Orguyoso di Arubiano cu ta cosecha

       exito na Lexington, North Carolina!

                                                                                                         afford it, I got into it myself.” Now with over
                                                                                                         2,000 hours of air time, Winnett is a govern-
                                                                                                         ment licensed certified flight instructor and
                                                                                                         ground instructor having both tailwheel and
                                                                                                         float plane ratings. “I just fell in love with it
                                                                                                         and the love has continued. I like to share
                                                                                                         that with other people.”
                                                                                                         Winnett uses the two planes that he owns
                                                                                                         for instructional purposes, a Cessna 150
                                                                                                         and a Cessna 172—as well as one owned by
                                                                                                         Van Der Linden, a Cessna 182. Typically,
                                                                                                         he has a roster of between eight and twelve
       MARI-ELENA  Baldwin y Karel van  of the airport is very important.”                               students at any given time.
       der  Linden  di  Aruba,  ta  cosecha  exito  cu  In 2010, the couple founded Fly High  “Some students will come and take lessons
       Aeropuerto Davidson County. Un articulo  Lexington—a fixed-base operator organiza-                and then disappear. Others continue to go
       a wordo publica den un revista yama David- tion that manages the airport. Since then,  on and have careers in aviation. I’ve prob-
       son County Magazine Fall/Winter Edition  annual usage of the airport has more than  ably launched five or six careers,” Winnett
       2017. Esaki ta algo positivo pa comparti cu  doubled. Baldwin cites its convenience to  says. His youngest  student was  around
       pueblo di Aruba.                                 major highways and fairly light traffic as  thirteen and the oldest was in his 80s. Win-
                                                        major drawing power. “We’re easy to fly into  nett adds, “He was very good. A lot of the
       With over 5,000 feet of runway and the abil-     because you don’t have to worry about the  time it’s an older student doing something
       ity to handle everything from the smallest  congestion you might find at PTI or Smith  they’ve always wanted to do. Now they’re
       hang glider to a 60,000-pound jet, the Da-       Reynolds Airport. You don’t have to worry  at a position in life where they finally do it.
       vidson County airport is attracting increas-     about waiting for clearance to take off.”        It’s what I call the bucket list student.”
       ingly more interest as an alternative to the  Van Der Linden says customers are also
       Triad’s busier airports.                         attracted by low fuel prices, minimal fees,  As for who is most likely to succeed, Win-
       Together, fixed-base operators Mari-Elena  self-service gasoline, and two on-site rental  nett says it’s hard to tell at the beginning.
       Baldwin and Karel Van Der Linden have  car companies. “We have all the services that  “It’s not for everyone. Some people are very
       worked to build the airport’s reputation as  are offered at a larger airport.”                    nervous. Flying is extremely rewarding but
       a top-notch facility that puts customer ser-                                                      can also be exceptionally unforgiving. I teach
       vice and convenience first. Their business  Flying lessons: $1—Landing lessons: $50               people to do it safely.”
       model relies heavily on the idea that, as a  So reads a sign in Tommy Winnett’s office.  It takes forty to seventy-five hours in the air
       small airport, they have to go the extra mile  Over the last eight years, he has taught  to qualify to take the exams for certification.
       to keep pilots and passengers coming back.  countless students how to taxi, climb, turn,  Winnett says interested students should
       “We start at a disadvantage so we always  and descend safely. His sign is a humorous  plan to spend between $5,000 and $10,000
       have to be ahead of the customer,” says  reference to the part of flying that tends to  for instructional hours. But, he adds, “it’s
       Van Der Linden. “We keep detailed notes  be the most difficult to grasp for new pilots.  worth it.”
       about what the customers’ expectations are  “Landing the plane is more difficult—it takes  “I love to see that light come on in students’
       for many things, such as transportation.  more skill and a little longer to pick up,”  eyes when they finally begin to relax and
       We train our employees to know everything  laughs Winnett.                                        they finally get it. At that point, I know they
       about the airport and what there is to do in  His company, Blue Sky Aviation Adven-               will continue.”
       Lexington. We can recommend where to  tures, operates out of the Davidson County
       eat barbecue, where to get breakfast, and  airport and offers pilot training as well as  Big Toy Day 2017
       where to stay.”                                  discovery flights for those less inclined to  A fly-in event scheduled for August 26 will
       The grounds, which include seven acres  take the controls.                                        showcase the airport and coincide with the
       of storage and parking space and a small  “I just love flying. I’ve been plane crazy since  annual Big Toy Day fundraiser hosted by
       maintenance facility (operated by Superior  I was a kid,” says Winnett. His father was  Communities in Schools of Lexington/Da-
       Aero Services), are kept pristine. Van Der  in the air force so his childhood was spent  vidson County.
       Linden adds, “We’re very on top of all the  traveling and going out to the air base to  For more information, visit: FLYHIGHLEX-
       equipment and the lights. The appearance  look at planes. “As an adult, when I could  INGTON.COM
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