Page 13 - ATA 4 APRIL 2016
P. 13

                                                                                                              Monday 4 April 2016

Honored                                                and staying at the Marriott   company of his daughter        and family of the honorees
                                                       Ocean Club is like being      and family members. The        and Mrs. Lisette Bouwman,
                                                       home for them. Mr. Leo        certificates were presented    representing the Marriott
                                                       Schwartz is 90 and looking    by Mr. Ernest Giel represent-  Ocean Club.
                                                       great and he is enjoying his  ing the Aruba Tourism Au-
                                                       vacation very much in the     thority together with friends

seph and Mrs. Paddigene     the Marriott Ocean Club
Mistretta from Webster,     and they love Aruba very
New York, and Mr. Leo       much because of the
Schwartz from Coconut       friendly people, the cli-
Creek, Florida. The honor-  mate, beaches, restau-
ees are loyal members of    rants, and being on Aruba
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