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Urgent care Aruba
                                                                                      Tuesday                                       contributes to
                                                                                      July 26, 2022                              medical tourism by
                                                                                                                                 offering preventive
                                                                                      T: 582-7800
                                                                                                      health packages
                                                                                                                                              Page 9
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r

                                                                                                   Germaine Wever: A

                                                                                                   tourism professional who

                                                                                                   simply enjoys her job

            Pope Francis delivers his speech as he meets the indigenous communities, including First Na-
            tions, Metis and Inuit, at Our Lady of Seven Sorrows Catholic Church in Maskwacis, near Edmon-
            ton, Canada, Monday, July 25, 2022.
                                                                                  Associated Press
                                                                                                                                              page 11
            Pope apologizes for ‘catastrophic’

            school abuses in Canada                                                                Department of

            MASKWACIS,  Alberta  (AP)  residential  school  south  of  so many Christians against   meteorology Aruba
            —  Pope  Francis  issued  a  Edmonton, Alberta, the first  the  Indigenous  peoples,”   issues warning regarding
            historic  apology  Monday  event of Francis’ weeklong  Francis said near the site of
            for  the  Catholic  Church’s  “penitential pilgrimage” to  the  former  Ermineskin  Indi-  upcoming heat
            cooperation  with  Cana-     Canada.                      an Residential School, now
            da’s  “catastrophic”  policy  The  morning  after  he  ar-  largely torn down.
            of  Indigenous  residential  rived  in  the  country,  Fran-  His words went beyond his
            schools,  saying  the  forced  cis traveled to the lands of  earlier apology for the “de-
            assimilation of Native peo-  four  Cree  nations  to  pray  plorable”  acts  of  mission-
            ples  into  Christian  society  at a cemetery. Four chiefs  aries  and  instead  took  re-
            destroyed  their  cultures,  then escorted the pontiff in  sponsibility for the church’s
            severed  families  and  mar-  his wheelchair to powwow  institutional   cooperation
            ginalized  generations  in  ceremonial grounds where  with  the  “catastrophic”
            ways still being felt today.  he  delivered  the  long-   assimilation  policy,  which
            “I  am  deeply  sorry,”  Fran-  sought  apology  and  was  Canada’s  Truth  and  Rec-
            cis  said,  to  applause  from  given  a  feathered  head-  onciliation Commission said
            school  survivors  and  Indig-  dress.                    amounted  to  a  “cultural
            enous  community  mem-       “I  humbly  beg  forgiveness  genocide.”                                                             page 7
            bers  gathered  at  a  former  for  the  evil  committed  by   Continued on next page
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