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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 26 July 2022
            Russia says it wants to end Ukraine’s `unacceptable regime’

            By SUSIE BLANN                                                                                                      ter, school and other infra-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    structure, authorities said.
            KYIV,  Ukraine  (AP)  —  Rus-                                                                                       Kharkiv  Gov.  Oleh  Sinye-
            sia’s  top  diplomat  said                                                                                          hubov  said:  “It  looks  like
            Moscow’s       overarching                                                                                          a  deadly  lottery  when  no
            goal in Ukraine is to free its                                                                                      one knows where the next
            people from its “unaccept-                                                                                          strike will come.”
            able  regime,”  expressing                                                                                          —  Ukraine  charged  two
            the  Kremlin’s  war  aims  in                                                                                       former  cabinet  ministers
            some of the bluntest terms                                                                                          with  high  treason  over
            yet  as  its  forces  pummel                                                                                        their role in extending Mos-
            the  country  with  artillery                                                                                       cow’s  lease  on  a  navy
            barrages and airstrikes.                                                                                            base  in  Crimea  in  2010.
            The  remark  from  Russian                                                                                          Prosecutors said Oleksandr
            Foreign Minister Sergey Lav-                                                                                        Lavrynovych  and  Kostyan-
            rov  comes  amid  Ukraine’s                                                                                         tyn Hryshchenko conspired
            efforts  to  resume  grain  ex-                                                                                     with  then-President  Vik-
            ports from its Black Sea ports                                                                                      tor  Yanukovych  to  rush  a
            something that would help                                                                                           treaty  through  parliament
            ease global food shortages                                                                                          granting Moscow a 25-year
            under  a  new  deal  tested                                                                                         extension,  leaving  Crimea
            by a Russian strike on Ode-                                                                                         vulnerable  to  Russian  ag-
            sa over the weekend.                                                                                                gression.
            “We  are  determined  to                                                                                            —  Russia  said  it  thwarted
            help the people of eastern                                                                                          an attempt by Ukrainian in-
            Ukraine  to  liberate  them-                                                                                        telligence  to  bribe  Russian
            selves  from  the  burden  of                                                                                       military  pilots  to  turn  their
            this  absolutely  unaccept-  In this handout photo released by Russian Foreign Ministry Press Service, Russian Foreign Minister   planes  over  to  Ukraine.  In
            able  regime,”  Lavrov  said   Sergey Lavrov, right, listens to Secretary General of the Arab League Secretary General Ahmed   a  video  released  by  Rus-
            at an Arab League summit     Aboul Gheit during their meeting in Cairo, Egypt, Sunday, July 24, 2022.               sia’s main security agency,
            in Cairo late Sunday, refer-                                                                       Associated Press  a  man  purported  to  be  a
            ring  to  Ukrainian  President                                                                                      Ukrainian  intelligence  of-
            Volodymr  Zelenskyy’s  gov-  well  as  the  export  of  Rus-    Ukraine’s  presidential  of-  gion, workers searched for  ficer offered a pilot $2 mil-
            ernment.                     sian grain and fertilizer.   fice  said  Monday  at  least  people  believed  trapped  lion  to  surrender  his  plane
            Apparently suggesting that  Ukraine’s deputy infrastruc-  two  civilians  were  killed  under  the  rubble  after  12  during   a   mission   over
            Moscow’s war aims extend  ture  minister,  Yury  Vaskov,  and 10 wounded in Russian  rockets  hit  the  town  of  Ukraine. The Russian claims
            beyond Ukraine’s industrial  said  the  first  shipment  of  shelling over the preceding  Chuhuiv   before   dawn,  couldn’t be independently
            Donbas region in the east,  grain  is  planned  for  this  24 hours. In the Kharkiv re-  damaging  a  cultural  cen-  verified.q
            Lavrov  said:  “We  will  cer-  week.
            tainly  help  the  Ukrainian  While Russia faced accusa-
            people to get rid of the re-  tions that the weekend at-
            gime,  which  is  absolutely  tack on the port of Odesa
            anti-people and anti-histor-  amounted  to  reneging  on
            ical.”                       the  deal,  Moscow  insisted
            Lavrov’s   comments     fol-  the strike would not affect
            lowed his warning last week  grain deliveries.
            that  Russia  plans  to  retain  During a visit to the Repub-
            control over broader areas  lic  of  Congo  on  Monday,
            beyond  eastern  Ukraine,  Lavrov  repeated  the  Rus-
            including  the  Kherson  and  sian  claim  that  the  attack
            Zaporizhzhia  regions  in  the  targeted a Ukrainian naval
            south, and will make more  vessel  and  a  depot  con-
            gains elsewhere.             taining   Western-supplied
            His remarks contrasted with  anti-ship  missiles.  He  said
            the  Kremlin’s  line  early  in  the  grain  agreements  do
            the  war,  when  it  repeat-  not prevent Russia from at-
            edly  emphasized  that  Rus-  tacking military targets.
            sia wasn’t seeking to over-  In other developments:
            throw  Zelenskyy’s  govern-    Russia’s  gas  giant  Gaz-
            ment,  even  as  Moscow’s  prom  said  it  would  further
            troops  closed  in  on  Kyiv.  reduce the flow of natural
            Russia  later  retreated  from  gas through a major pipe-
            around  the  capital  and  line to Europe to 20% of ca-
            turned its attention to cap-  pacity,  citing  equipment
            turing the Donbas. The war  repairs.  The  move  height-
            is now in its sixth month.   ened fears that Russia is try-
            Last  week,  Russia  and  ing  to  pressure  and  divide
            Ukraine signed agreements  Europe  over  its  support  for
            aimed at clearing the way  Ukraine  at  a  time  when
            for  the  shipment  of  mil-  countries are trying to build
            lions of tons of desperately  up their supplies of gas for
            needed Ukrainian grain, as  the winter.
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