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             Tuesday 19 sepTember 2017
             Submit Entries to the Plastic Waste Challenge Competition

            ORANJESTAD  -  In  honor                                                                                            the  world’s  coral  reefs,
            of  International  Coastal                                                                                          1,500  fish  and  marine
            Cleanup  Day,  which                                                                                                mammal species, 15,000
            was on September 16th                                                                                               plant  species  and  mile
            this year, the Institute of                                                                                         after  mile  of  mangrove
            Caribbean  Studies  (ICS)                                                                                           forests.  Submission  of
            has  partnered  with  re-                                                                                           entries  for  “The  Carib-
            gional  NGO  the  Carib-                                                                                            bean     Plastic   Waste
            bean Youth Environment                                                                                              Challenge”  opened  Fri-
            Network  (CYEN)  with                                                                                               day,  September  15th.
            headquarters  in  Barba-                                                                                            For  more  information,
            dos  and  the  Develop-                                                                                             please visit www.thecar-
            ment  Foresight  Institute                                                                                  To learn
            (DFI)  based  in  Jamaica                                                                                           more about the Institute
            to  launch  an  online                                                                                              of  Caribbean  Studies,
            competition  aimed  at                                                                                              visit  and
            bringing greater aware-                                                                                             the  Caribbean  Youth
            ness to the challenge of                                                                                            Environment      Network,
            plastic waste in the Ca-                                                                                  
            ribbean Sea.                                                                                                        Instructions  for  submit-
            “The  Caribbean  Plas-                                                                                              ting entries to the Chal-
            tic  Waste  Challenge”                                                                                              lenge.
            which  is  being  support-                                                                                          1.       Please  click  on
            ed  by  technology  pro-                                                                                            “The  Caribbean  Plastic
            vider IDEABUZZ, asks the     - ICS to partner with the Caribbean Youth Environment Network (CYEN) and Development Fore-  Waste Challenge”
            public  to  address  their   sight Institute to launch the Plastic Waste Challenge Competition on IdeaBuzz in honor of Interna-  2.   Click  on  “How
            creativity  to  providing    tional Coastal Cleanup Day                                                             Can  we  Reduce  the
            answers and actionable                                                                                              Amount       of    Plastic
            projects  that  respond      Reginald  Burke,  Execu-     ribbean Sea Basin coun-      found were plastic.          Waste”
            to  the  challenge:  “How    tive Coordinator of CYEN  tries  should  be  every-       While the 37 nations and     3.     Review       Chal-
            can  we  reduce  the         states, “It is vital that we  one’s concern.”             overseas territories of the   lenge  Overview  and
            amount of plastic waste      identify  ways  to  reduce  Land-based  sources  of       Caribbean  are  sepa-        Timeline
            in the Caribbean Sea?”       the  amount  of  plas-       pollution  from  unman-      rated  by  water,  it  is  this   4.   Create  a  pass-
            The  goal  of  the  chal-    tic  waste  in  the  Carib-  aged  waste  from  the       shared  resource  --  the    word and login
            lenge is to provide CYEN     bean  Sea,  and  address  Caribbean  Basin  coun-         Caribbean       Sea—that     5.     Submit Ideas and
            and ICS who have been        the  amount  of  plastic  tries,  waste  from  ship-      unites  them.  Thus  the     poster submission
            collaborating  on  public    disposed  of  incorrectly  ping  traffic  as  well  as    peoples  and  govern-
            awareness  campaigns         from land as well as from  waste from other oceans        ments  of  the  Caribbe-
            also for UN World Ocean      shipping  traffic.    We’re  are also threatening the     an  must  work  together
            Day  to  identify  new       seeking    ideas    which  viability  of  the  Sea.    In   to  address  the  growing
            ideas  and  explore  solu-   could  be  actionable  2016,  the  International          threats  to  the  Sea.    The
            tions  for  how  countries   by  various  sectors  such  Coastal  Cleanup  Day         Caribbean Sea is desig-
            in  the  Caribbean  ba-      as  the  hotel  sector;  the  event  across  the  Carib-  nated  a  Special  Zone.
            sin,  shipping  traffic  and   restaurant sector; or the  bean  removed  some          The Caribbean contains
            countries  bordering  the       manufacturing/pack-       402,993 pounds (approx.      some of the world’s rich-
            Atlantic  can  help  to  re-  aging sector.  We can’t  210  tons)  of  marine  de-     est  marine  biodiversity.
            duce  the  plastic  waste    just wait on government.   bris  from  beaches  in  22    In  the  sea  and  along
            stream entering the Ca-      Reducing, recycling and  countries.  It is estimated      island  coastlines,  the
            ribbean Sea.                 reusing plastic in the Ca-   that 55% of all the items    region  harbors 10%  of
               Loyal Island Guests Honored at the Aruba Beach Club

                                                                                                   EAGLE  BEACH  -  Recently  tive annual visit to Aruba!
                                                                                                   the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  The Gioias are loyal mem-
                                                                                                   ity had the great pleasure  bers  of  the  Aruba  Beach
                                                                                                   of  honoring  a  very  nice  Club and they love Aruba
                                                                                                   family  who  are  loyal  and  very  much  because  of
                                                                                                   friendly visitors of Aruba as  the  friendly  people,  fun  in
                                                                                                   Distinguished Visitors at the  the  sun,  the  climate,  the
                                                                                                   Aruba Beach Club.            beaches  and  the  restau-
                                                                                                   The symbolic honorary title  rants.
                                                                                                   is  presented  in  the  name    They  say  that  being  on
                                                                                                   of the Minister of Tourism as  Aruba  and  staying  at  the
                                                                                                   a token of appreciation to  Aruba  Beach  Club  is  like
                                                                                                   guests  who  visit  Aruba  for  being  at  their  vacation
                                                                                                   10-to-19 consecutive years.  ‘home-away-from-home.’
                                                                                                   The  honorees  were  Mr.  The  certificate  was  pre-
                                                                                                   Vincenzo  and  Mrs.  Donna  sented  by  Ms.  Marouska
                                                                                                   Gioia,  together  with  their  Heyliger  representing  the
                                                                                                   children Vincent and Nico-   Aruba Tourism Authority to-
                                                                                                   las,  from  New  York,  cele-  gether with associates from
                                                                                                   brating their 10th consecu-  the Aruba Beach Club.
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