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A16   sports
                   Friday 6 November 2020
            In virus era, bubbles provide game-changing lessons learned

                                                                                                                                than any other pro league
                                                                                                                                because seven of 31 teams
                                                                                                                                are  based  in  Canada,
                                                                                                                                which  could  require  some
                                                                                                                                adjustments from the bub-
                                                                                                                                ble like an all-Canadian di-
                                                                                                                                vision  or  potentially  "pods"
                                                                                                                                around  North  American
                                                                                                                                hosting  games,  at  least  to
                                                                                                                                start next season. Baseball's
                                                                                                                                Toronto  Blue  Jays  played
                                                                                                                                their home games in Buffa-
                                                                                                                                lo this year; cities are lining
                                                                                                                                up to woo the NBA's Toron-
                                                                                                                                to Raptors for next season,
                                                                                                                                though  they  remain  fo-
                                                                                                                                cused on playing at home.
                                                                                                                                "We're at the mercy — and
                                                                                                                                we respect it — of govern-
                                                                                                                                ments:  state  governments,
                                                                                                                                federal  governments,  pro-
                                                                                                                                vincial  governments,"  NHL
                                                                                                                                senior executive vice presi-
                                                                                                                                dent Steve Mayer said.
                                                                                                                                The  NHL  learned  it  doesn't
            In this Nov. 1, 2020, file photo, spectators wear face masks to protect against COVID-19 during the first half of an NFL football game   necessarily  need  to  physi-
            between the Baltimore Ravens and the Pittsburgh Steelers, in Baltimore.                                             cally  fence  in  players  and
                                                                                                               Associated Press
                                                                                                                                staff  for  any  quarantine
            By TIM REYNOLDS and          health  and  safety  efforts  how  they  enter  and  exit.  The  Associated  Press  last  situations  next  season.  The
            STEPHEN WHYNO                at  the  Walt  Disney  World  "Rapid  testing  would  re-  month. "It is a huge issue for  NBA  doesn't  want  another
            AP Sports Writers            bubble  in  Lake  Buena  Vis-  ally change the number of  us in terms of the econom-   bubble  experience.  That
            The NBA wants to be back  ta,  Florida.  "But  the  thing  people that you can bring  ics of the game."             doesn't mean many of the
            in  December.  The  NHL  is  that  made  it  successful  in  in  safely,"  said  Ryan  Dem-  Baseball  nearly  made  it  bubble protocols and prin-
            aiming at games resuming  the first place was the ad-     mer, a University of Minne-  through  its  version  of  play-  ciples will be forgotten.
            in January. Baseball's spring  herence to all those proto-  sota associate professor of  off bubbles unscathed; two  "Wherever  we  are  play-
            training may begin in Feb-   cols that most people can  epidemiology  and  com-        innings  before  the  World  ing games, you're going to
            ruary, like normal.          follow  most  of  the  time  in  munity  health.  "It's  hard  to  Series  ended,  Justin  Turn-  want to try to limit interac-
            They almost certainly won't  their  lives."  There  was  no  say what the exact number  er  of  the  now-champion  tions  with  kind  of  our  core
            be in bubbles if and when  magic bullet in the NBA or  would be. I would not feel  Los  Angeles  Dodgers  was  people and kind of the out-
            any or all of that happens.  NHL  bubbles:  Masks  were  comfortable with a full sta-  pulled  from  the  game  af-  side  uncontrolled  people,"
            But  many  of  the  lessons  worn,  hand  sanitizing  was  dium.  But  maybe  instead  ter  MLB  was  notified  that  Daly  said.  "It's  all  about,  I
            learned from being in some  stressed  constantly  and  of 10 or 15%, you could get  he  had  tested  positive  for  think, minimizing risk, and so
            form  of  a  bubble  environ-  social  distancing  was  re-  to  50  or  60%,  which  is  still  COVID-19.  He  was  quar-  there are a lot of elements
            ment  —  where  the  NBA,  quired at all times.           pretty  meaningful  in  terms  antined in a doctor's office  of the bubble that will trans-
            NHL  and  Major  League  The NBA had teams in the  of revenues."                       off  to  the  side,  then  later  late to what's next."
            Baseball  each  crowned  a  bubble  for  three  months,  That  is  a  huge  part  of  the  returned  to  the  field  with  The  one  area  where  ev-
            champion  after  finding  a  with  the  Los  Angeles  Lak-  what-happens-next  equa-   a  mask  to  celebrate  the  eryone  agrees:  If  fans  are
            way  to  finish  their  seasons  ers  winning  that  title.  The  tion. The NHL estimates half  Dodgers' title. He then took  coming  back,  they'll  be  in
            in  most  unusual  circum-   NHL  playoff  bubble  lasted  of  its  revenue  comes  from  down his mask and posed  masks.
            stances  —  could  apply  to  65  days,  from  the  time  ticket  holders.  MLB  says  it  for  a  team  photo  on  the  Harvard's  Dr.  John  Spen-
            whatever  the  new  defini-  teams  arrived  in  Toronto  missed revenue projections  field, a violation of corona-  gler, who participated in a
            tion  of  normal  is  for  those  and  Edmonton,  Alberta,  by about $3 billion. The NBA  virus protocols.          ventilation study of ice rinks
            and other sports.            until  Tampa  Bay  won  the  missed its financial mark by  The  WNBA  played  its  2020  at  Purdue,  said  there  are
            A new set of rules are com-  Stanley  Cup.  Officials  from  $1.5 billion.             bubble  in  Bradenton,  Flori-  significant  carbon  dioxide
            ing in just about every sport,  both  leagues  noted  that  Baseball had some fans for  da. A few players had false  discharges  from  players
            almost  all  with  enhanced  mask, distancing and other  games as the playoffs pro-    positives,  but  things  mostly  and  that  there's  no  sub-
            health  and  safety  in  mind.  protocols  were  still  being  gressed.  College  football  ran smoothly — more proof  stitution  for  mask-wearing
            If  they  work,  games  could  followed strictly on the final  and  the  NFL  play  before  that  adherence  to  rules  among those in the stands
            return to arenas and stadi-  day.                         very  small  crowds  now  in  pays off.                   to  prevent  the  spread  of
            ums  with  some  fans  in  at-  "It was unique," NHL deputy  most cities, limited because  "No  one  got  COVID  inside  something  as  contagious
            tendance  sometime  soon.  commissioner Bill Daly said,  of the virus. Finding ways to  our bubble," said Dan Car-  as this coronavirus.
            Perhaps  more  importantly,  "but hopefully a once-in-a-  get  more  fans  into  games  lin,  CEO  and  founder  of  "Some  of  the  basics  that
            they  could  also  provide  lifetime experience."         — safely — going forward is  JobSiteCare, which provid-   we saw around really con-
            some  common-sense  so-      So what happens now?         paramount.                   ed the WNBA with its medi-   sistent  use  of  masks,  really
            lutions  to  virus  issues  in  the  Even  as  coronavirus  num-  "We understand what hap-  cal  staff.  "People  showed  focusing  on  distance,  re-
            real world.                  bers  are  spiking  again  pens with fans is going to be  up  with  COVID.  This  was  ally  being  careful  about
            "The testing isn't what made  across much of the U.S., ex-  a product of what happens  a  tremendous  amount  of  settings  that  involve  eat-
            it successful, the testing sort  perts don't think it's a pipe  with  the  virus,  what  deci-  work  to  get  these  people  ing and drinking and really
            of showed that it was suc-   dream  to  have  fans,  even  sions public health authori-  out  of  circulation  before  rigorous  and  hygiene  and
            cessful,"  said  NBA  senior  indoors, with a combination  ties make in terms of mass  they infected anyone."       cleaning,  you  saw  all  of
            vice president David Weiss,  of  some  screening,  masks,  gatherings," baseball Com-  Border  and  travel  restric-  that," Weiss said. "That adds
            who helped oversee all the  distancing  and  planning  missioner Rob Manfred told  tions  affect  the  NHL  more  up to a lot of protection."q
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