Page 13 - ATA
P. 13
Friday 11 august 2017
Loyal Island Guests Honored at the Marriott Ocean Club
vacation ‘home-away- Aruba Tourism Authority to-
from-home.’ gether with General Man-
The certificate was pre- ager Erwin Noguera and
sented by Ms. Emely Rid- associates from the Marri-
derstaat representing the ott Ocean Club.q
PALM BEACH - Recently a token of appreciation members of the Marriott
the Aruba Tourism Author- to guests who visit Aruba Ocean Club and they love
ity had the great pleasure for 10-to-19 consecutive Aruba very much because
of honoring a very nice years. of the friendly people, fun
couple who are loyal and in the sun, the climate, the
friendly visitors of Aruba as The honorees were Mr. beaches the restaurants
Distinguished Visitors at the John and Mrs. Jennifer West and the natural and cultur-
Marriott Ocean Club. The from New York, celebrating al attractions. They say that
symbolic honorary title is more than 10 consecutive being on Aruba and stay-
presented in the name of annual visits to Aruba! ing at the Marriott Ocean
the Minister of Tourism as John and Jennifer are loyal Club is like being at their
ATA Honors Loyal Guests at La Cabana Resort
EAGLE BEACH - Recently
the Aruba Tourism Authority
had the great pleasure of
honoring a wonderful cou-
ple as Goodwill Ambassa-
dors at La Cabana Beach
The symbolic honorary title
is presented in the name
of the Minister of Tourism as
a token of appreciation to
guests who visit Aruba for
20-to-34 consecutive years.
The honorees were Mr. Ted
and Mrs. Pat Slabosz of On-
tario, celebrating their 25th
consecutive annual visit to
the island!
Ted and Pat are loyal guests
of the La Cabana Beach
Resort, and they say they
love Aruba very much be-
cause of the friendly peo-
ple, the climate, beaches,
restaurants, relaxation and
being on Aruba and stay-
ing at La Cabana Beach
Resort is like being home for sented by Ms. Marouska ity together with associates
them! Heyliger representing the from La Cabana Beach
The certificates were pre- Aruba Tourism Author- Resort.q