Page 18 - Utilities 1 OCT,2015
P. 18

AWEMainta Diahuebs, 1 October 2015                                                                                                                                                            7

SRA. Jocelyn Croes, ex-Minister Plenipotenciario di Aruba na Wash- un rol importante, principalmente pa paisnan SIDS.

ington y actualmente consehero di Prome Minister, Mike Eman a com-

paña e mandatario den su bishita pa New York, unda cu nan a participa “Aruba, aunke cu nos ta chikito, ta move hopi riba tereno di inovacion,

den Asamblea di Nacionnan Uni y diferente otro reunion importante. y e desafionan mundial ta wordo sinti tur caminda, na paisnan chikito

                                                                                         y grandi. E ta un bon momento pa mira con leu Aruba a yega caba, y

Un parti importante di e reunionnan tambe a enfoka riba encuentro- cual ta e caminda cu falta ainda,” sra. Croes a expresa.

nan apart unda cu Prome Minister Eman a reuni cu varios dignatario

di “Small Island Development States” (SIDS) y tambe di paisnan mas El a menciona un encuentro den cual nan a participa den cual Na-

grandi manera di Colombia y Panama.                                                      cionnan Uni a adopta “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDG), cu ta

                                                                                         17 punto cardinal pa paisnan desaroya mas hopi. Den esaki, segun sra.

E meta primordial di e bishita di Prome Minister Eman na New York, ta Croes, e por a constata cu ciudad di New York ta trahando riba energia

pa apoya Hulanda den reunionnan na nivel di Reino. Banda di esaki, a renovabel ta considerando adopta e puntonan presenta den e SDG, pa

concretisa varios evento cu ta resultado di e partnership cu Nacionnan mehora nan mesun sistema di energia renovabel.

Uni a sera cu Aruba, principalmente pa duna un contribucion na SIDS.

                                                                                         SDG ta mustra con por mehora loke cu tin pa yega un sistema di sos-

A probecha di e estadia na New York pa combersa cu Minister di Re- tenibilidad mas grandi.

lacionnan Exterior di Colombia, María Ángela Holguín, cu cual pais

Aruba tin un bon relacion.

Por menciona cu a papia riba e formanan pa turismo                                        Scarlet is looking for
di Colombia crece y tambe yega na aumenta e relacion                                         Corporate Sales
                                                                                         Representative talent!
Aruba kier sondea e posibilidad di importa mas pro-
ducto for di Colombia, cu ta un productor grandi den

sector mineria cu produccion petrolero y carbon, pero    Corporate Sales Representative  Scarlet Aruba, a world class telecommunication services provider operational since
tambe den produccion di oro, esmeralda, flor, koffie,                                    1885 in the Dutch Caribbean market, with main offices in Curaçao, Aruba, Bonaire,
banana, batata, bacoba, lechi y carni.                                                   Costa Rica and Colombia, is looking for a Corporate Sales Representative for the
                                                                                         Aruba office. Scarlet is one of the fastest growing providers of Wireless internet,
Otro produccion ta den sector textil, alimento y bebi-                                   international telephony and other services for home-users and the business

danan. “Inclusive,” sra. Jocelyn Croes a agrega, “Aruba                                  Job Purpose
por traha cu Colombia riba tereno di energia renovabel.
Aruba aworaki ta trahando caba Colombia, na isla San                                     The primary objective of this position is to achieve and exceed monthly sales
Andres, hunto cu TNO y Carbon War Room.                                                  targets.
Den e encuentro aki a intercambia di idea riba e pun-
tonan ya menciona.”                                                                      •EsAscehienvteimaolnFthulynacsstiginoend ssales targets within the Business and Residential sector.

Di otro banda, Aruba ta mira den Panama, no un rival,                                    • Secure daily appointments with new prospective and existing companies.
pero un posibel partner comercial, inclusive cu e ser-                                   • Conduct professional meetings with prospective companies to acquire
vicionan cu e pais aki ta brinda den sector maritimo.
                                                                                            knowledge of their communications needs.
                                                                                         • Draft tailored proposals.
                                                                                         • Promptly pass any issues or queries to appropriate department.
                                                                                         • Ensure customer receives accurate and factual information, 100% compliance.
                                                                                         • Identify additional sales opportunities
                                                                                         • Ensure paperwork is submitted promptly and accurately.

Den e encuentro cu Presidente Juan Carlos Varela,                                        Education qualification and Experience
kende no tabata e prome, a combersa ampliamente riba
e diferente iniciativanan cu por bin cu ne pa aumenta                                    Academic Qualifications and Experience required for position
e turismo for di Panama pa Aruba y vice versa.                                           • High level education and experience “HBO” (at least 3 years commercial related)
                                                                                         • 3 Years of Account Management/Customer Service/Sales experience preferable in
A discuti tambe di e posibilidad di sera un acuerdo cu
industria crucero pa crea rutanan cu ta conbini tanto                                       a Technology & telecommunications Service sector firm,
Aruba, Panama y Colombia.                                                                • Strong commercial with hands on approach,
“Nan ta kere cu si bini cu un proposicion conhunto, e                                    • Experience with working in a high pressure, target driven environment,
lo por haya atencion di e companianan crucero,” sra.                                     • Excellent expression in English, Dutch, Papiamento and Spanish (verbal and
Croes a splica.
ROL DI ARUBA                                                                             • Not a 9 to 5 mentality,

Aruba ta destacando, pa ta un pais chikito, den mundo.                                   Special Knowledge / Skills / Abilities
Prome Minister Mike Eman a percura cu gran parti di
mundo ta na altura loke Gobierno di su pais ta haciendo                                  • Need to have a valid residence and working permit for Aruba.
riba tereno di sostenibilidad.                                                           • Knowledge of local Aruban market,
E presencia di Aruba ultimo añanan den encuentronan                                      • Knowledge of Scarlet products as well as competitors products,
organisa dor di Nacionnan Uni ta importante y ta mus-                                    • Advanced PC skills (Word, Excel and Power point plus other company specific
tra cu e organisacion aki ta mira cu Aruba por hunga
                                                                                         • Works co-operatively with others to achieve team goals,
                                                                                         • Requires a strong knowledge of relevant business practices and procedures in

                                                                                            their field,
                                                                                         • Excellent interpersonal skills and business written
                                                                                         • Time management skills

                                                                                         If you are interested please send us an email which includes
                                                                                         your CV and your motivation why you are the perfect candidate
                                                                                         for this position to, addressed
                                                                                         to Ms. Bettina Daal

                                                                                            Bilderdijkstraat 16, unit 1 | Phone: +297 584 2595          since 1885
                                                                                                               Oranjestad, Aruba

                                                                                         email: |
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